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<br />~ <br /> <br />'" <br /> <br />;';' v <br /> <br />He: To:..m Hs.ll Purchase. <br /> <br />ASS'tli'ui,ng the title t.o the so-called TOt\l11 Hall property to be s8ti3factor'J <br />8S per our c8rlier o;)inion of :'Tay 12, 195U, ~,Jhich co~tc::ins the descriptio::: of th.e <br />prop(.:;rt~i' -l~ri t.h ;;:"hich 1.Je arl-'; conc21':1ed, several q1J8stions are raised b:,;/ the occurrences <br />i:1vo~ving th\:.: TOl{:l 'Jf T.1ounds Vie;;:'J-, holder of the fee titI::.: accordi!1g to our title <br />!1" <br /> <br />1. I h8ve beE;n i'urr.isheci VIith executed copies of the :'JOtiC8 of Specinl <br />1m,n:' i-'leeting dated August 23, 1957, t:-iC Pet.ition on vbich the TJotice <br />is Lased, a:1d a copy of an <excerpt ',Jhic!l apparently is fro" tr'Le <br />l':::1.nutes of th~t Special r/leeting. All of these re18t~~ to the pOl'ieI' <br />of tr;.8 LOl.,m to conve:,/ this prop~rty. They are satisfactory in farrel, <br />!1'<.1t the excerpt fron th'2 ;Hnutes of the 'special IcIeeting shouLd <br />i!1dicate the proper posted notice c,f the !Jleetin.; viaS fjiven <br />C1nd t.hB,t thi3 is 2n excerpt fro.m the l-Unutes of said l"~eeting. -Tf' <br />th:':l,t i;:; the fact then the necessary certificates could then bE: cb- <br />taint:::d from the 7m-In Clerl~, event.hough ~he t.clmship no longer 'exists. <br />The '~+'ctutes 1'i:lt.h :-eierence tc this particular point ,2re Sections <br />.~.'(.. (2) ar:.G 36S.o,S. <br /> <br />2. A mor2 ~2riou3 problem. to the p01,~r of th(-: T01-m to convey <br />is raised ::>y Section 365.10 (6), ,,,hieh provides that a To>m ;leetir:g <br />C8:1 authorize the To,:..'11 Board to sell or convey any real or perscnztl <br />prcpcrt~/ belonging to t.he To".,'n, net conveyed/and required to be held <br />by the tO~o\jn for a special purpose. ' to <br /> <br />In cur particul2.!' C8se the TO~im B2l] property };hich lS now used as <br />8. parkinQ lot 4.,r8S con\!eyed t,e the i:: le83 !1for use as a tOi.\ifl. <br />h2111'. -l',.ihile 1,j\? a!'e of t.he. opinion thClt that i~; not 8 defect B2 <br />~f~l:r DS the title is concern-26, it., is possible that it In2Y b\~ 2. c.cfec.t <br />prc;v8ntir.s th8 T01J:1 Boord fretl ccnvp.ying Good titl~. If the TOt-m <br />Board cotl~d not con~Ie:y goed title, then the 1uter deed by t:te Totn <br />Board t.c the Village of Tlcunds ViCl.J is also ineffective. If thi.s <br />is the case then the Grudnosl,,:c is effective even tr~OlJcJ1 Ot~r <br />::~upre:me ':ourt has hel,d that a c18im such as theirs is bBrred by <br />t~2 L~o )'ear stCi.tute. <br /> <br />This is the most. serious C[t.18stion involved here, and in ViC'hT of :.he <br />P;:;ct that.. ....;e can expect litigation regarding our title to t.his F't"'c- <br />pert:/, probably :,;8 should obtain an opip..ion from. tr..e Attorney General <br />0:1 th.(:~ matter or co.rnrrrence nn <3ction to deterninc tr:e tit-I;::: Sit.Ucltio!"'~ <br />}~,;:;,f0rc pi1yjnO t.he balance of our ,S95'~:u. <br /> <br />3. <br /> <br />l;J2 ha\re a p!"'~otcstat of a c0:!'tificG copy of 8 E~sol.ution by t.r:e <br />B08I'd r;?;.f8rrin~J to action tCiker"'. bJ the T01-.r:1 Board on Jj.pril 25, <br />eXGcptin:j tlle 2ernest i"Yone2l Contract ~Jitf1 the Village of ArrjC!1 <br /> <br />TOl-,n <br />195f:., <br />Hills. <br />