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<br />j. <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />On t.he same d~te, wi thout reference to the Earnest. I-loney Cont.ract, <br />the Tm.,rn Board passed 8 EesoJution to COn'iley to the Village of <br />i':O:J.!lds Viet..- all of the real and personal property of the Towr:, pur- <br />s.nant to authority given at the aforesaid Special Tat.m ;\rleeting h~;ld <br />:;epterrJx~r 11, 19~;7, and a dec8 of the S8me date -was executed to the <br />Village of ;iJIcun(~s View l,Jitb respect to this real estate. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />T:--;.c Vi 11age of nO:.L'1.ds 'lieu, ~.Jhich incluced a great portion of the <br />Tm-Tn of ~k''Jnd~ Vie~,-J, "\48.3 inco!'porctte:J or: iipril 23, 195e b1Jt <3 por- <br />tior'. of the Tcmn of T<ounds Vic..,!' still renained on April 25, 1958, <br />A ~;hort time therea.fter try r~naining portion of the Tmm of I:~ol1nds <br />-\Tie1J ~,ms a:;.nexed t~y the Village of St. Anthony. <br /> <br />S2Gtion I.'12.~:Rl of the StDtl1tes refers t.c t~1B disposttion of tot-m- <br />ship property l.J!'~en the 'Ii l1a~lc is incorporatedfro~ the tOltmship. <br />(~'uite pO~~$ibly t.he last. ::rc;ction of the Town of 1-loun:5s \Tiel\! could <br />h~V8 objected to til(~ ".:.ra:lsfer of re8I 8:1d personal property to t::.e <br />Vi lla~e of }<~ounds View, since there is no apparent consideration <br />for the conveyances, other than the assumptiorc of liabilities. ~O~~ <br />ever, the Vi118ge of ~.Icunds Vie"'.JI has obtained ffom the Villeg eof <br />St. fLit!lO::l;Y" H QuitClaim Deed dated Jeccrnber 2c', 1958, covering the <br />real estate 1;.dth wnich ~<Je are concerned and also other real 8state, " <br />lV'hich l,:n-~11d seem to remove this objection frorr~ our standpoint. I <br />GO not believe ther8 8T8 any problems as far as the conveyances <br />betHee::1 the VillaC18s of :=t. Ant.hony and ~."~o;jnds --lie:.:, nor froill. t2-;;.-:;: <br />3"':.a~',Gpoi:nt of the conveyan-:e from t~e Vi liege of };ounds View to the <br />Village of Arden, lJhic~ is covered by the Fesolution of the <br />Vi11age of i'ilounds Vie...,: dated Febru8ry2, 1959. The latter EesoJ.llt.ion <br />recites the ~.-Jho18 tr8n;'~8.ction 1!1 some detail and But.horizes 8 C0:1V8Y- <br />anCc t.o the Village of li..rc2en Hills. In t.hat Eesoluticn, h.ot.!-ever, <br />the ,:10r~~s of .the rl8mbcT.'s 'voting in favor of the Resolution 'C,nd <br />~jfF:dnst that Resolution sho,.::.ld be ins2rt.ed. <br /> <br />'"~. <br /> <br />T r t d th f c.- t,. .... "'),-::t-' 1,1. 1 r .... / \,0 ' <br />..... :J2've no e - . B provisions c.., ,~iGC ,ion.:, .J....)J).'-t-'-~, .4_), anu .L___.", anO <br />J)2!-.ticula!'ly tl""?2 latter, '.-Jhich deals Tdth t~l.C disposit.ion of rC81 <br />2!1(~ personal property of the tot\Tls1:.i? 1!pC'::' dissolution of 8 tov,n. <br />This provides that the propsrty r2"Iert~ to the CO:1Dt.y. r-01"J2Ver, <br />t.hes2 ; :.Ter'2; 81.2 p3~~esd 2$ :3 pnrt or Ch8pter 96 ()f the UXS'J~ <br />of 19.31~ ClP..d in my opinion tr~ey <:':.J. relat,e t,~ a dissolution of the <br />To:.JI1 "\-Jhich i:3 acconplished :':Yy "{Jote of the electors, ~:1d not to (3 <br />dissolution 1\,hich occurs 1.:he~ the 1.8tt re:nn2nt of t.he tm,.:rns::ip i:3 <br />8.nnezc-,j into a Vil1<3gc. The County asstDlcs no responsibility ar.d <br />no obligations in ttc::: :attcr 8'Ien.t, anc 8ccordingly there 1-JOu1::1 <br />scerr'. rlG TeaSe:1. ~.Tl\Y h18 C0unty sh.ould r'~ceive <:lilY of the real or <br />persona:!. property of t.he TOitJI"l. nOlrJev02r, I have bee:1unable to fi:1d <br />arlY zut.h'Jrity T~,~itr~ respect. to that. <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />4 <br /> <br />s. Th'2 pertinent p2rt. of Section 1:1.2.oBI is Subdivision J, tvhich read;~ <br />8S foJ lows: <br /> <br />l!.A.n,y p2rso~al property belongir'~g to the tc';,m at the time of separ- <br />atic:l., and any r281 es-:ate ~ib:_8t.J~(~ Hithin t.he village and belon:jing <br />to the t01eITl at that time shall 1~em8in the joint r-roperty of the village <br />and t01:m 'Hi t.h the interes't of e;:ich being pl'cportional tc its assessed <br />valuation at the ti:rt8 of separ3t.ion; but. eitJ:er the vil12Jc or t.hf:; <br />tOHn nay purchase the int.0=ycst of the oth(;r in such real or pers,.)nalôproperty 2nd become i t.s ,sole o,\,meT. II <br />