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<br />.~~ <br /> <br />... ..t .~aHd _ tM fol1ow1Qg ~1tO&'yv1tb.iJl tbe ylUapof <br />Ada aula. <br /> <br />C IDe1Dg at tba Ioutb8a.-t eom.~ of tM VU1AIp <br />Of.Mdu 1I111a, lIlb1ch po.t.n~ 1e abo tM IlOlIt~-.~ <br />COmV of ..G1:J.oA 'l'hhtr-foV (J4), ~.ip 'lMrty <br />(30), ..... 'l'watY""tbr.. (23), aDd WAlch ,oat .1e <br />&1110 the C8D~ of t!le atu~ of ~ <br />Awmta8 IIOrth aD4 COunty JtOe4 D' ~ec> ~1y <br />aloras tM ,*,UZ'.. 11lUt of 8a14 ~ AYeIl1I,e <br />7010 feet.r *DCtI ,.at8:fly ad ))Uanel. ~.. 8CNtb <br />11. of ~ 'NeDty'"'~ . (27), '1'cMa8b1p 'fJW:t.y <br />(30), Raga Twftt:~.. (D) ,~tely 2633 <br />f..t to U. CltIIteI' 11. of BD11DeAYeaaae, tMD_ <br />IlOUtbady al_ the CleD~ UM of a-U,. Avemae <br />app&'Oxiutely J30 teet to. t:be ~ 11M of <br />t!le IUft_.paua, ft. Paul"...U fte.Mu1e Rall- <br />way c~".ytalr19bt-of__YJtJrFA__at8:fly &10119 <br />t!le C8Dt.u' 11M of pJ.d 1I~...ltPOU., ft. Paul <br />and 8au1t Bte. ....t.e1la11wiay CCIIiIpUytalr!9bt- <br />of___y app&"oyt".tely 4020 f..t to a point on t!le <br />..-t l1Deof tM (auUtU'. of t!le tout:h- <br /> QuUtez' o~ lIeet.1on !'w8DtY"'MghC (21), ~ <br />ab1p '1"b1rty (30), llaDIJe (23), .~ <br />llOUtbU'ly &1_ 11M of eaJ.4 toutuallt: <br />QuartU' of eout:beaet Quarter approx11Iate1y 670 <br />feet to a point on.~ IlOUtb 11M Of.8a14 8ect1oa <br />TWnty-eJ.gbt (28), ~...tlaedYalODt' the .at <br />11M of the But: Halfo' the ...t _11 of sectioa <br />'lb1n;r-t.hree (33), 'l'oNuIb1pTb1rty (30). llaDIJa <br />TWnt~ (23), to the IlOUtb 11lUt of ..14 1ec:t.1o a <br />TbJJ:t:y.tbree (33), tUnc:le Baai:arly alOJlli the 1IOllt.b <br />11M of Ntd 8ect.1C1ft 'l'IW1:y-thz'.. (n) aD4 Tb1rty- <br />tou (34), appro~tely 6563 feet to tM poiat of <br />blgtftft'4"'g. <br /> <br />ftae.8lOt1on fOZ' the aClopt.toa Of t:he f0ra901ng rallOlut1oA wu <br /> <br />dUly _IlClbclecl by JIo--r crepeau, .. QOn wta 1:le1A9 t.eMn tbareon, <br />the fol1ow1D9 'VOted 1n favor thereof. All <br /> <br />u4 the following 'VOted acJainat tlIe.... lfODIl. ~eupoa aaJi <br /> <br />rellOlutlon wa. declared duly pa.8e4 aDd ac1Optec1. <br />