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<br />-. <br /> <br /> <br />" <br /> <br /> <br />2633 f_t. to tM ceQ~U.Dtl of 8aII1.....A..IIIIH <br />~ IIClUtbatlr alClDlJtblt C8llt:u 11M of HDl.lfte <br />AftftUll approxaately 510 f_t to the cut.. 14_ . <br />of the ~t"".aPOu.a. St. bul " _\Ilt. 8t1e. MUl. <br />Railway C~Y'8d9ht-of""'Y, <br />alOA9 the ceater 1..... of 8&14 au.n-.apoUa. st. <br />bul aad _ult ste. Marle Ral1way ~r'. r,f.tJht- <br />of.....y app:&' 4020 f_t t.o a po1llt Oft the <br />.et 11neOf theSOUtheut Quartel' of the 8O\lth- <br /> Quarter. of Sec:UQl\ '1'W8ftt.r-elght (2B). <br />~lp 'l'Mrt.y (30). 1Wlge 'l'WeDt.y-thr_ (23h <br />tbtmee eoutherly alODJ eald .et line of H1d <br />IcNtheut Quartel' of 8OU~et QuUt... <br />lIP1*Oovt-t.ely 670 feet. to a po1at Oft .tM IIClUth <br />U.- of 8814 8eet1Oft 'l'WeDtr-e.1pt (21), thence <br />lIO\IthU'ly aloa; the .atl1ne of the But Half <br />Of the Ballt Jfa1t of 8eet1Oft '1'h1rty-dane (31). <br />'J'Ova8h1p 'fb1rtr (30). -'.'lwnty.three (a3). <br />to the IIO\Itb .11ae of 8a1d SectlOft'1'b1rt.y-tbne <br />(33). t.MDee ....teI'ly al0D9 theaoutb11ll. of <br />8a1d . aectlOD 'fb1rt.Y""tUe.(U) lUI4'1'b11"ty-fOU&' <br />(34). lIP1*oJd.Mtely 6563 tbe po1llt of <br />1:le91:n1U.b9 . <br /> <br />at a total .et~t8cl coat. of ODe $mdred '!'hirty 7.'bOueaad ($130.000.00) <br /> <br />DOllars. <br /> <br />lfOW 'l'HIRBrOU u :no ilI$OLYIID.. by tbe. Village COlUlcU of <br /> <br />the Vl11age Of Arden 8111e. M1nneeot.a. .. fOll.,.1 <br /> <br />1. 'l'bepr.l1ll't."'Y plana ah4.P'C1f1eat1oDe ._<1 .at~t.e <br /> <br />. . <br />of coete ae bate1n&1'.lQve ..t. forth are hereby apprOVed and eald <br /> <br />1IDpr0VUleDt Hall hereafter 'Deent1tledSalt1tarY Sewr ....0'8- <br /> <br />..,.t Bo. 1. <br /> <br />2. A public: hearlngOlltbepropo.." _%'0'" 'lmt Hall - <br /> <br /> at tbe Lake Jo~ B18ll8nt.ary SChoOl in 881d Vl118ge on <br />W.4Deaday. the 6th Oay of ~. lt$9 at 8100 o'clock ...... and <br />tbe Vlllage Clerk lIball pu1)118b notlce of the t.1IIe and place of <br />bearing by t-.o welts publlc:eUOIl 1a the llo..'1'dllune. the officlal <br />oewpaper of the VlllQa. <br /> <br />3. The are. propoeed to lie ae_aNd for 8a1d Ulpro~t <br /> <br />1ncluc!ee all of the lot. ana parce18 of lPd IY1n9 within the <br /> <br />.. 2 - <br />