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<br />. <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />,j <br /> <br />Motion by Kennedy, seconded by crepeau, Josehpine Hills #3 plat received <br />preliminary approval. Motion passed. <br /> <br />Engineer Carley and Zoning Committee to give C.G. Rein plat further <br />study as committee felt plat should be re-wor~ed. <br /> <br />The Welfare Committee considered the request by Board of Appeals and <br />recommended as follows: <br />1. That the Zoning Ordinance should not be changed to require 120 foot <br />frontage for future plats. <br />2. That village information be distributed by groups such as the League <br />of Women Voters. <br />3. The Committee was not able to determine what the problem is in regard <br />to corner lot requirements in Zoning Ordinance. <br /> <br />Mr. Kennedy reported that his committee felt that twin P.~~TMW homes <br />should be allowed in all R-2 zones. A proposed amendment written by <br />Talbot Jones, Village Planning Consultant was read. Matter to be <br />submitted to Attorney Courtney. <br /> <br />Engineer's Report: Ordinance #7 was referred to Engineer Carley and <br />Trustee Delange for possible revision. <br /> <br />Public Safety Committee: A bill submitted by Jack Wolf of $19.68 for <br />appearance at court was approved by Council for payment. <br /> <br />Council requested Crepeau to recommend a salary for Mr. Wm. Neilson, <br />policeman hired by village to patrol schools. <br /> <br />Public Safety committee recommended that the teen age dance. at Grotto <br />Club should not be held during summer months because of the Johanna <br />beach problem. Police Chief Weber felt we will need an additional police- <br />man over week ends during the summer months. <br /> <br />Public Works Committee: Delange reported that the fUDure drainage <br />problem When the Keller farm is developed has been studied by his <br />committee. It will be referred to attorneys of Shoreview and Arden Hills <br />for their reeommdations and then be given furhher study by committee. <br /> <br />Delange reported several new street signs are on order. <br /> <br />The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 <br />~,' ( ,,;to, 0 00 0 ,0' <br />. . . . .. I..' .' . --. <br />. LOmtAiw"'E. CSTROMQU'I~~~C~ <br /> <br />P.M. <br /> <br />~o~~ <br /> <br />MAYOR <br />