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<br />STATE OF MINNESOTA <br />roUNTY OF RAMSEY <br />VILLAGE OF ARDEN HILLS <br /> <br />RESOLlTfION REQUESTING ENLAffiEMENr OF TRUNK SEWER <br />IN THE VILLAGE OF ROSEVILLE <br /> <br />Upon motion duly made, seconded, and unanimously carried, the following <br /> <br />Resolution was approved: <br /> <br />~, the Village of Rosevil1e, in the course of its sanitary sewer <br />improvement program, now proposes to construct a. trunk sewer to the southerly <br />limit of the Village of Arden Hills, and <br /> <br />'IIHEREAS, a public hearing was held in the Village of Arden Hills on M~ <br />6, 1959 pursuant to due notice as provided by statute to consider the feasi- <br />bility of a sewer improvement program for the southerly portion of Arden Hills, <br />which program would require the enlargement of the aforesaid trunk sewer in the <br />Village of Rosevil1e, and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the sentiment of those who attended said public hearing was unani- <br />mously in favor of said improvement program, and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the Council of Arden Hills now desires to request the appropriate <br />enlargement of said trunk sewer in the Village of Rosevi1le to permit the accom- <br />modation therein of sewage from Arden Hills, <br /> <br />NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, as follows: <br /> <br />1. The aforesaid improvement is hereby ordered as proposed in the <br />Council resolution adopted April 15, 1959. <br /> <br />2. Banister Engineering Company is hereby designated as the engineer <br />for this improvement. Such compa~ shall prepare plans and spec- <br />ifications for the making of the improvement in accordance with <br />the aforesaid resolution. <br /> <br />3. The Clerk shall promptly forward to the Village of Rosevi11e and <br />to the City of St. Paul certified copies of this resolution for <br />the purpose of advising those municipalities that the Village of <br />Arden Hi lis does desire the appropriate connection with the Vil- <br />lage of Rosevil1e and the enlargement of the appropriate trunk <br />sewer in the Village of Rosevil1e to a 24" capacity for the pur- <br />\\ pose of permitting use thereof by the Village of Arden Hills. <br /> <br />\ldopted by the Council this 11th d~ of M~, 1959. <br /> <br />Robert O. Ashbach, M~or <br /> <br />Attest: <br /> <br />-:t:~~~ {d~ <br /> <br />Lorraine E. Stromqu s, r <br />