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<br />. ',.",; <br /> <br />, <br /> <br /> <br />:,"", <br /> <br />STATE (I' IQliilS1SOt'Jl <br />oxnftY, ~ RAlf;l!.Y <br />VlIJ..N:ji! (I A1'UlElIl H1U.S <br />RESOLl1rIOlt ~' l':Il..AM8:PIEtIT OF TP.UlIK $EWl!1l <br />, II 'm! Vll.1..11BE <'JIltOSMlJ.E <br /> <br />Upon llIOtlon duly lade, "corwJCcl, 1II'Idunan1...ty, carried, tollOltlng <br /> <br />Fie,olutien .1 'PFoll'llch <br /> <br />"8EREAS. 'the Village ot POIevUll1, In the COUI'lI.,of U.S s8nltery ....... <br />llapr'O"..nt prognn, now pl'QpOI.s to eon!JtruCt 8 t.rI.nk .ever to tb8 eouthttrly <br />lillllt of the Village of Arden HUIs, IIn(I <br /> <br />lofff:!>r,J\S, " public hetll"11\Q _. hdd In tho Village of Arden HUll en i'lay <br />6. 19,9pursUtlnt to due noUce 88 prOVided by etatut4! to conelder th8 t..sI- <br />bl U ty ot . sewr bqll'CMlrIent prograu t01t' the southerly portion of Arden fl1Us. <br />'WhIch #lI'1oiji.... woulcl require the enlll1'9$lWt\t of the atore..ld trmil lMnm' In tb<l <br />V111ageof PQlJevUle, end <br /> <br />hHEnI':AS. t-he sentItilIInt of those who etten<led .ald publ1cheerlno VIIS U'IIlnl~ <br />rtoutIly In fwor of Inld 1ll\F,OWQcnt FQ9l'Illa, lllftd <br /> <br />l,;1-1Y"'F.A.S, t.h0 C'.ol.l'ICll of Arden Hills now deslrell t.o request the epproprlete · <br />enlergenent of 8&ld trulk sewer In the Vlll8gllt of P.QlKlvll1e to pe:mtt the 8COOll- <br />modatlon t:.M~ln of s~ from Arden HUb, ' <br /> <br />1'1)1-1 nmR!:".PCf:E. BE IT i';'SOtVElJ, till tollows <br /> <br />1. The at01t'lIealcl Il'ilprowrnmt is hereby ordend 81 propoMd In the <br />Comoll resolution adopted AprU 15, 1959. <br /> <br />2. Bllnhter r;nglneedng CalIpsny h hereby desfptad u the engineer <br />for thlll Impr~nt. such c~ 9Mll pNPVlI plllllM nnd spec- <br />U'lcatl.;lflll fQt' thCl Mkll'(] or tbe 1n:lprovelallnt In aeeordt:lnee with <br />tbe at__Id Nsolutlen. <br /> <br />3. The elm, $hall prcnpt.1y torwrd to the Village of FO,'.Vllle end <br />to the City of. st. Paul ClJrtU'!$d copies of thls tllsolutlOQ tor <br />the ~Of adVising those ;m.I1ldpe.Htles tbat the VUleg.. of <br />'Arden Hills does desire the epproprlet.e coqM~t1en "'-,ttithe VU~ <br />lege ot ROlIwille IIld ,the C!\lIl~t oftbaapproprlllt.e tNlk, <br />a_r in the Vi llBgi1 of l<OlIevU1e to .. 24- capael ~ for the pur- <br />pose ofpemltting use thereot by t.h8 Vll1ege ot Arcien RUtl. <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />Adopted by t.hci C'-ounel1 this 11th ~ of May, 19$9. <br /> <br />Robert c. AshblIcli,~-'- <br /> <br />Attestt <br /> <br />--4~-e't-a'-~",-<~tzr,-c[&k, c"'w>t..;.. <br />orralne to. _, NTs, , <br />