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<br />Ninutes cf Rogulr.r Council }leeting, June 8, 1959 <br />p::;.ge 2 <br /> <br />The request of Nr. John Nesley to rezone addition"l property 2,t Fighway #96 to make up fer <br />commerciol property to be kken by Higbloy Dep~rtment ,"t Higlw,,-y 96 md Highway 10 received <br />no objections from Zoning Committee us tho property is next to Nesky's house, which is <br />residontial. The mo.tter ,c"-s referred to Attorney Courtney for m exact legal descriptien. <br /> <br />The ]1roposed Ro'nd L:;:,1:e Hills "l:;. t received cOlmni ttee approval except for locc.tien of turn <br />,-::.round; Kemledy to discuss IrL8.tter \~-i th developer. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Kennedy reported he r"~"d cont~cted Bocrd of in regnrd to their reCJ.uest fer l..rger <br />lots on fuhrre pI", ts. IIe felt the Committee ;niglct work out [i SQluti en "hen new comprehensive <br />pb.tting ordirumce is put into effect. <br /> <br />KOIllledy reported th:J.t Tclbct Jonos has the prespective Villuge maps abeut 3/4 done, that he <br />["',s tuo drc.ftsmen .,orking on them evenings end trut tc'1ey rr",y be cempleted in obout one month. <br /> <br />Kemledy reperted that he has discussed proposed chmges in C. G. Rein plat :md Ilr. Rei.'1 <br />seems &grcerble to chcnges. <br /> <br />Upon m0tion by Kennedy, seconded by Crepeau, c. second reading "IllS given ordinance mllending <br />Zoning Ordinance to perIni t twin homes in all R-2 residential ",re'.S. M..y~r Ashbach and <br />COlJ_Ylcil expressed:;. desire to he'o,r residents vie-vw on this propesed change. The public <br />'lMring is set for Ju.'1e 29. Motion :!,<,ssed. <br /> <br />Kennedy moved to suspend the rules and give second and fiml reading tQ an ordinance arrend- <br />ing the Z~ning Ordinance to rezone to commercial proper~J described as Lot 13, Bleck 2, <br />Dc.lssren Additien, RGmsey COlT~Y. Motion pessed. <br /> <br />Due to various compl,,-ints ef dumping ef g,ubcge =d rubbish in village, Kennedy to worm <br />an Qn ordinance to prohibit dumping. <br /> <br />Kennedy reperted tlw.t there is a bad traffic situ3.tien on _,,,,ia~ .M' Joh<U1Ila Blvd. cooing <br />to the; to check with Rmnsey County efficials to see >:hRt can be done. <br /> <br />Pm3LIC SAFETY CO}n-rrTTEE: The proposed Rur'.l lWnsey County Curfe,; Ordinmce referred to <br />Attorn~y Courtney. <br /> <br />A letter "roising the Lake Johanna Velunteer Fire Departmeht frem Rysgaard Constructien <br />Cempany wos re3.d to Council b'J Trustee Crepeau <br /> <br />A contract for radie service repoir -.f'ferred tc> Village >:as referred to Attorney Courtney. <br /> <br />Upon moti&n by Crepeau, seconded by Kennedy, William Nielsen ,,~s arpeinted as Village Pelice- <br />",.all from June 6 to September 8, 1959 on some salnry basis as ethers en Pelice Dopartment. <br />Motion pil-ssed. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Attorney Courtney was re~uested to ,rrite to Don Stecker re~uesting thn~ CJ.uarterly reperts en <br />liCJ.umr be turned in to Clerk up-to-date. <br /> <br />~a;er Ashbach reported on a meeting held of Roseville and Arden lulls officials en proposed <br />sewer ilnprove:oent, to ",ork Gut an agreement. <br /> <br />The meeting '\"laS adjeurned c.t 11:00 p.m. <br /> <br />;. <br /> <br />~.tJ-tJ~ <br /> <br />ROBERT O. ASlffiACH, Mayor ---- <br /> <br />[; ../- <br />~._' "., ,", .. .. ,- ,'" (," ,',- .. ." [.'- , .::-- <br />.J 1-...,....-, ,"'-1;.-', ;) c~ ".-...-.. '7'<..{.....-<"~-<.- <br />LORRADlE E. STROl~QUIST, CMrk <br />