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CC 02-24-1960
City Council
City Council Minutes
CC 02-24-1960
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5/8/2007 1:10:58 PM
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11/9/2006 10:45:56 AM
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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />12 <br /> <br />... your service or your special assessments on a yearly basis. <br />T~en, your service stub of $50.00 from the center of the street <br />to your home, and the taxes that a home like that would be paying <br />is nearly 150C,.0:. ONe show there would be no millage increase. <br /> <br />~o your taxes should remain at $490.00 and your service charge of <br /> <br />i36.CC. The first year is your worst year because if you don't <br />pay up in advance you have one-twentieth of the principal plus the <br />carrying charge of 5% en the full amount so 5% cn the total of <br />No.1 and No.3 you see, that's 1550.0D. 57!, on the full :t850.00 <br />plus one-twentieth works out to $85.00. And that then would be the <br />first year's cost of your assessment which would be collected along <br />;,i th your real estate taxes on May 31 and October 31 of each year <br />thereafter. Nol 8 we show the average annui assessment. The average <br />. annual assessment is that cost spread over the whole 20 years because <br />bear in mind, in the twentieth year you're paying one-twentieth of <br />[SSe.CD which is $42.50 and 55!, on $42.~,C would be just a little <br />over S2.00 so your total cost that last year is i45.00. The first <br />year is :r65.0C and averaging it out over 2C years runs it out <br />:~:1)3.25. In lk. S we said the aer month cost which aaain would be <br />. , <br /> <br />Iour (arst month, would be the $[5.00 ;::lus the:I,36.:0 ,/ou see, includin} <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />:he service charqe divided by 12 would be .J;lCJ8. If you take the <br />everage again Nhich would be the 163.7'5 plus the $36.0C, divide that <br />by 12, ~ould be $8.31 which would be your ~otal monthly cost. <br />Sear in mind, however, thet it's only the $85.00 or the $63.75 which <br />is collected with your yearly regular estate taxes on your home. <br />The $36.00, the service charge, would be collected by bill that you <br />'i',lculd get from the vi llage just like when you lived in St. Paul you <br />got a water and sewer bill when you were in town. The village hasn't <br /> <br />........... <br />
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