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<br /> <br />.,---~, <br />'''.'J <br /> <br />I <br />I <br />~ <br />-I <br /> <br />.~ <br />\1 <br /> <br />;! <br /> <br />fl <br />;1 <br />iv'l' <br />>,'1 <br />;(j <br />. .. ~ <br /> <br />'.I~I <br /> <br />'. I \~j <br /> <br /> <br />~ <br />~..J.' <br />~ <br />l <br /> <br />~ <br />[ <br />f <br />f <br />d <br />~j <br />~I <br /> <br />" ,..--, <br />?i" ,)~j <br />f <br />., <br />, <br />I: <br />f. <br />~\ <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />.' <br />\ <br /> <br /> <br />;'. J <br /> <br />.' <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />" " <br />_...Y _~_ <br /> <br />Extraot . of Minutes of meell1tl8 <br />of Vlllaae CounoU <br />V1l1a(3e of Al'dan Hills; 1lalmIoy Coutl'tlJ, M1nne8ota <br />.1'tme 20, 1961 . <br /> <br />lfUl'SUQQt to ad3out'nment the VllJ.aee COutlOU Of thl) V1llat'lo of <br />AJ.'don lJ1lla, ,M!nneeotn, dul:'{ll'l8t 1n l'ogl.lJar Bess10n at the VillaGe <br />Hall on Tue8(!D.y,JtUl8 20, 1961, 611 o'04lokpom" Crmt1'al Daylight <br />sav1nS 'iime.; <br /> <br />'.rhO foilOW1nc m8:lber8 W8l'e pl'eaont= Ashbacn. Stll'Q1lqt1111'tl, <br />crepeau, K.jned:l and Olmen <br />and the folLowIng lYel'El e.b!lol:'J'IlI None <br /> <br />Tho ~'Jor then direoted the Cl01'k to read the deso1"1ptlon ot the <br />genoral lItuS'e, loca1l1ol:l llnd eot1:nated cost of StJ.'eet Imp. #4, and the <br />proposedAl'eA no be asoEulsod theret01',_ as e1lated in the pub11sl1ed <br />notlce Q he!U'lng. Afte,.- reading of' 'the notioe, aU pEll'SOlJ8 pl'esllnt <br />wereafll'ded OPPol'tulJlty to be nOlU'd and the names and ac!dl'GSllll'IS of the <br />pEll"l!lonallPPQa1'1ne; and hoavlS. by the oouncll, and the pubstanO-a of the views <br />presontcl by them, were u toJ.lows. <br /> <br />:Mr.. 09 Mlll'l"c.y, 1618 VEl1'l'.J.lh Q.uesUon re thickness ot hot m1x atU"raoing. <br />. .t favol' of tme hOt m:1x. <br /> <br />MI'. 'fDr., KelD. 1400 Valen1l1ne Ave. Wantod to. knO'ilf 1:f' there would 'be a <br />#ulvel"tl (b;y vilhge elL' state) orsflO1',n1 SliWe~ under HtgbwnylO. <br /> <br />Mr.I. L. Cl'Oswell.. 4028 Fa1rv1n. Asked U' the atol'lU sewoZ's would <br />. take oa!.'e of the pl'f3SEmt d3.'ainage PSOQ blomtl 1n the low Bl'oa. 'I Also <br />aud he wa.s 1n favel' of the hot mix. <br /> <br />w.0ha1h Smnel, 3910 Delvuw. Sold be WI.U.I in .f/1vor of the projeot <br />ond nsf::od eGvo1'l11 qu.ootloos J10 Bowe:> pl'ojeet as it affoo,teCll'onds. <br /> <br />Llr. Olas. Abbot, 1821 Venus Ave. In favor of the hot n.U typo Ol.U't'acing <br />iJ1d .1nqu1red 1'0 stl'eotl I!lUl'fao~S. . <br /> <br />Mr. 1';\ DU1'sotjll 1790 VonUl. In .1'avo1' of tho p1'ojeot and the hot ~.% <br />IUl'fBc1ng. Wanted to. know TJha t the width of the ot3.'*coto would be <br />and 1t the p~ojeQt 1s app~Qvedt When. would cQoattuotloo begin. <br /> <br />Mr. c. ft.. Sewall, 4011 Fa11'v1ew Ave. In fuIC ~ of the hot ldx t;;pe <br />surfaolng nnd asked Q questIon ~e G~d1ng ot road. <br /> <br />mo. H. il. Lovett, ).002 Verus. Queot1on 1'0 gl'ad1tJB of 1'oad. In !'t:lVCI' <br />of the 11011 m1x SU1'foo1ng.. <br /> <br />Mr. Joe VodOtl1k~ 1723 Glei:lvt6w Avo. \7ontod bo knOll ubout dralnase on <br />Dlllv1ew anG elenvlew. <br /> <br />W. RusseU Edderdnle, 3935. In Zavol' of tlWl pt'ojao\J and thG hot ".d.x <br />surfao1ns_ Alao 1n i'avo>> of aotiothing to slow down the tX'Qf!1C on <br />Glellv1ew. <br /> <br />W1. Jk'1'home,. le65 Valontine. Question 11.'0 tzoof.fio V!;,(11)le"2Se <br /> <br />Ml'. i:de SOl'enson, 1722 t11'a.rus1e, Q,uoatioD 1'0 Sl'ade of t'end. <br />i <br />Ml'. ~1bel" Craodall. 1017 Granttlle Road. In .favor of tho hot mix <br />sWf'no1ng. Also suggested tbot the e..'roOIS mato~inl usod1n <br />. g:oadinS the roads bo put :1n the &wamp at tho 00l"D..U.' 01' county <br />wad. ~ ana B1ghwlii No.. 10.' <br /> <br />, <br />I <br />~>--,-,- ~,.,..-- . >.,,:. ---:J:.. ,',~,_","',,"',".",""":",_,-"..._'..," ,_"o"~..~"..........,,,," ",', _: -.....~-....~,;;... .~.,..':n;-;;-..=...,........ ::';~"",'.7",.....:.-,!...,>.,...=..,..,_,:-jI!;:'~..'~,~."~ .' <br />/ll.",,_ r.>;';,' . <}-~ C"H :"i:'.',.- ",':,;-'"~;'.i;to'.",.]'o."'i:t::i~,;'H_~.i10;::,.j..:~,-...t...;>.(,,,;~-;;'~<~"'_'~;:'~bj,~,~.~.,-';>,:, _,,=,_ '.'.. ,__co:!!!y~ t!.' -'. _R'~_ '" '-::..:; . "-' ~,,~'0!!:1-'~- ~<!!!!:~~~.ill <br />