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<br />~/~i::--The -00:011 t~~:<r:~j;:std~r~d thG-b1~ re~~:~Od Z: tho oooS~~UCt1DD <br />/ of st. Iupa. number a,)~'" and 5, Qnd Truotoo CWQpelltl lntl!J'oduoed the <br />toUowlns rOlloJ.ut1on-/jod moved itDlldoptl1on. <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />RESOL'JTIOl1 OFiDERn:o A~ID ~WAF.DIIlG <br />OONTfUi.CTS FOR THE CONSTR"{iCTION OF <br />S'l'P.T;~ Illi'Hi,Nhl\lEl-!TS llU'1?ZRED 3, 4, <br />and 6. <br /> <br />... <br /> <br />DE rr nE.SOI,VED by tllu CounoU 01' the V1llaj1;O otA1'clem ll111iEll/ <br />w'onesota& ea.foUowi.l1 <br /> <br />1. I'w,'aUl:Ultii;o:;:asoluiJion da'i;od t!r:..y 20, J.001, the Counoil bas <br />causod not1oe 01' hefU,'1ng to 'be dull publiahod 10 llcoot'donCEl w1ill:l. <br />w.onGsota Statutes, Chapto:r,429, as Gmender;1, o"eaob. of Stroet I:nprove... <br />menta oumbel.'ed 3, 4, and (i, setting f01'th in ubi,) oot10&1 tho r;ene1'al <br />nature of eaoh or the iLlpl'Ovemonto, the est1matedooatl thereof, Qod '.he <br />area proposed to be assossed therst'O).'. At t11Otil:ne lUll:! at the placo <br />specified in the l'<lspBotivo notices, the 00W10j,l 114s met tlt.d hanrd tile <br />vlewo of all person81otor8stod with .l.'eforonoeto.tho ma~1n~ of eaon or <br />the 1lllp.l.'9Ve1liOots an<l tho all'sa p.l.'opoaed to be a~~essod th01'OI'01', lUX. <br />be1ng .fully advised 1n the premiseD dQes hereby order sod deto%'lUlne that <br />each of suell improvements otall be oonstruote4,1 !lod epel.'l1al QfHlel'lSctl~ntE! <br />lovied tllf.ll'efor, as provided 1n the l'ssolut1oocf Ml1f 29. 19610 <br /> <br />2. Tr..e Counoil bas also caused advo:,tiaement f~bids :1.'01' the <br />oonstruotion 01' Street :t:mprovementsnunibol'tld 3; 4, and 5 to be published <br />1n QQooX'dance wlth law and 1111s !'Oce1ved and oonalderedaU. bids submitted. <br />pU%'su.ant to such notice, and dooll hereby l1ndlZOld detormine thilt th9 <br />lowest responsible bidder is J. W. craig Co., Minneapolis. Minnesota, <br />under tho toms 0.1' whoso proposal the total Clormtruatlon cost of tb.e <br />1L>provEllllonts 1s estlooted to be ~a33.eOl.20, based on u!lit pl'ieellGtated 1t:l <br />the proposal and quantit1es est:l.mnted byt1~ en,c1nee".. Tho !,1a1iOl" ll':li.'l <br />Villago Clel'k, upon assuranoe by tho bidder tmt na101aot equ1!'1lWo-ll 11111 <br />be aso1gned to thsp1'o.1eo'lic to Qssure conwletiol'l oJ: t1113 1lilpt'ovcmont:l with- <br />io tm 1lJ.mQ containod within tbe plenv aril srcoli'iCCit1oos" a%'o Q.ut..1'lo1?ized <br />Qnd d11'Octed to execute on too part ot tl'!l1l villnC.s a oon'i>ract providing <br />for tho construotion o;l.' cach Of the kp!'ovl'llIl~ttG in aco()..'(1,'iflCa with that <br />pl'opoaal attl with the plana and sptlc1f1c:ationslluX'etofOj;'O (':9l.~r'ovod ~nd <br />now on iil& 10 tho ~.1'i'1co of the Clol'1:, tho .f~11.l 0.1' ll"niah cmtt'sct '3ball <br />be approved by tho villaGe atto:NleYJ providod ti13t t..l:J.e ocniJl'llctora.l1aU <br />lZ'lle with the Clerk, at or bet'Ql'etho t1meof oxecution of tlw oOI:Jlll'act <br />and With1n ten (10) daro 1'1'0ll1 th1a data a bood.w1tl1a t'€rm:~ablf.; lln.~Gty <br />QO~pany author1~cd to do bus10eSD 10 triO State of M1n~esotu, in ~ Banal <br />aum not loso thal1 the 2LlQuot of the llonot~'u()tl(lo cooi; QlJ ooti.'TIB.tod sbove, <br />cond1tiooed as "oq~r(cd by law fort11e ocrapletion 01' t,he mp1'O'ii"J:8Qnts <br />~D too llSOrlOl' fJ.nd within the time ~ecr<lil'ed by the pluno!:md Gj;<oo1flcat100(l <br />and for the pa~nt and satls:!;'uct1on or 1.111 clt11ma fa:!,' 'IlO:l."k cnd l:1Clto~'lo:!fJ <br />~equ1ved 1n oonnection thorewith~ <br /> <br />Tile motion fer the adQpt10n of the :ro.t'ogolnC resolution Wt.s <1i,;li1. <br />asoonded by Trusteo Olmen e.m1 upon votebeH1g ta1:en ti.01'uOO tlw f'o:Llowitlg <br />'\TOted 10 favor thereof: aU · <br />,~ nl'ld the following voted /J.go.1not thosnt:le: r;ono <br /> <br />mOl'oUDOD the l' oGo2ution was doola:!.'oG duly ps 9~od and adOI'!;o;.1o <br /> <br />()t?~~, Gd?0h=,P--- <br />Robe~tO. Ashbach. Mayor <br /> <br /> <br />.~ <br /> <br />Lorraine <br /> <br /> <br />/' <br /> <br />._--=--~~-~ <br /> <br />j <br />