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<br /> .. <br /> - <br /> MINUTES OF VILLAGE ELECTION <br /> ~ 10, Iq~" <br /> At the Annual Village Election of the Village of Arden Hills in <br /> the County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, held at Precinct No. 1 and <br /> Precinct No.2, being the places where it was directed to be held by the <br /> Village Council aftel' giving due notice thereof as provided by law, on <br /> the 8th day of Decem'ber 19ti4, Election Boards as attached, and being <br /> qualified voters of said Village, to act as Judges of such Election, and <br /> to act as Clerks of such Election, each of whom had within twenty days <br /> before such time been designated and appointed by the Village Cour.cil to <br /> act as Judges and Clerks respectively of such Election, and who, being <br /> present, at the hour of 7:00 o'clock a.m., each of them duly took and I <br /> ibed an oath lJo faithfully discharge the duties r~quired of them at <br /> such Election; and. the said Judges and Clerks beiog duly qualified, forth- <br /> 4IIIith opened the pOlls by proclamation, and the Election proceeded by <br /> '. allot without adjourrunent or intel'mission until closed. <br /> The subjects voted on at such Election, as stated in the Notice thereof, <br /> were: <br /> To elect two trustees for terms of three years and one Justice of <br /> the Peace for a term of two years. <br /> At 8:00 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, the polls were closed, <br /> proclamation thereof having been made by one of the Judges thirty minutes <br /> previous thereto. The Judges then proceeded to publicly count and canvass <br /> the votes, and a true statement thereof was duly proclaimed to the voters <br /> by the Clerk, who recorded the same in the Village Minute Book. <br /> STATEMENT OF RESULT OF CANVASS <br /> The following is a true statement of the result of the counting and <br /> ccnvass of votes by ballot at the Annual Villa{;e Election of the Village <br /> of Arden Hills, County of Ramsey, and State of Minnesota, held December 8, <br /> 19b4 as proclaimed to the voters by the Clerk of Election: <br /> Ed Fuller received 143 votes for Trustee, term of 3 years <br /> Jamcs Lang received ~ votes for Trustee, term o~years <br /> lrobert Nethercut received ~ votes for Trustee, term of~years <br /> George Salitros received ~ votes for Trustee, term of 3 years <br /> Edward Hall received ~votes for Trustee, term of 3 years <br /> Arthur J. Schmaedeke received:~ votes for Trustee, term of~years <br /> -- - <br /> James Lang was declared elected Trustee, term of 3 years <br /> Robert Netl).ercut was 'declared elected Trustee, term of~years <br /> I - <br /> Victor O. Pomerenke received 390 votes for Justice of the Peace, term of 2 yrl <br /> John l'logers received --r vote for Juetice of the Peace, term o~yrl <br /> ITtck Jones received ~ votes for Justice of the Peace, term Of~yrl <br /> Bill Mil tOll received --r vote for Justice of the Peace, term of~yrf <br /> fat Sexton ,- received --r vote for Justice of the Peace, term of 2 ~, <br /> Vi~tor O. Pome~enke was declared elected Justice of the Peace, term of~rs. <br /> . 4'-17 ~01 ballots were cast for Trustee <br /> - ~_ Ljt./7 ~5' ballots were cast for Justice of the Peace <br /> , Mayor <br /> Clerk of Election <br /> - ---------- ----_.' --'--- --- .---~.,~,,_.__.--'--- .._- <br />