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<br />. <br /> <br />Minutes of Regular COUDoll Meeting <br /> <br />Septamber14. 1964 <br /> <br />REPOFa' OF TRUSTEE NE'l'HERCUT <br /> <br />Playground Improv8lllebtl <br />AU)'. Oourtney reported tbat the signed oontraot from Ryah Landsoap- <br />ing. Ino. has D01I been reoeived. Matter referred to Clerk Lorraine <br />Stromquist. <br /> <br />hbl10 PlallD1ng lleett;t <br />Trustee Se'herout d1s Mbuted to the Couno1l information from 1ile <br />Village Planner and informed the CwnoU that a pUbl1c meet1ng Is <br />being planned tor early Dee8lllber to inform the reddents 01' the <br />progress 01' the Village plan. <br /> <br />. REPORT OF BUIlDING DlSPECTOR - CLAY KELLEY <br /> <br />Bethel Colle~ <br />c~a7 !\eJ.J.87 reported that 40% of the fooUngs for Bethel College <br />are oompleted. <br /> <br />REPORT OF TEUSTEE CBBPEAU <br /> <br />~~ <br /> <br />Arden HUla No.8 Water <br />Mrs. Kennet;h LultaSka. 3125 Asbury Ave.. had c.11e<1 Trustee Crepeau <br />requesting approval by the CouL01l to oontaot Village Adm1n1strator <br />Trunlund of Roseville to talk to the reddents 01' the area on street <br />oonditlons. eto. after the iDst81lat10n of water. <br /> <br />Mayor Kennedy et8te<1 that there would be no objeot1on from the Councll. <br />but felt the answers to suoh questions would have to oome from the <br />p-- 111-. Engineer. <br /> <br />Fire Meeting <br />Trustee crepeau Informed the COlanol1 that he 80d Mr. Viotor Weber <br />had attended the Capltol City Suburban Fire meeting held at the <br />Arsenal. <br /> <br />Civll Deren.. Irfattler <br />Trustee orepeau 1nr01'lD8d tbe Ooul1Oil that his reaent inquiries 0012- <br />cerning Civil Detense mattere have been anewered by a letter from <br />Atty. Courtlier. Clerk requested to make oopies of this letter for <br />the Council. Att7. Courtlne7'e letter stated that Clvil Derense' <br />primary purpose 1e to ald In 8Illergenoies and disasters. but could <br />ass 1st the Polloe Dept. only aea training matter. <br /> <br />Control Data Traffio <br />Trustee Crepeau 1n:f'orme<l the CounoU that the Police Officer 18 on <br />du ty tot' a short t1llle every atternooo to 8881s t in oontrolli08 tra1'fl 0 <br />from Control Data. <br /> <br />~... <br />