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<br />, <br /> <br />Minutes of Regular Counoil Meeting <br /> <br />September 14, 1964 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />JIlt. DaubnQ' Inf01'llled the Counoil that the exteriors of conorete <br />block will be palnted. <br /> <br />Rezonfi! Reiuest <br />JOII. bel', owner of 25 a01'e8 at the south~t corner of County <br />Road E and Hlghway #51, requested the rezoning of this property fl'CIIl <br />Commerclal to Multlple DlrelUng. He stated that Mr. Jurgenson holds <br />an optioa Wltil Bov. 1, 1964, for the purohase of this propertr aDd <br />has submitted pans to the Planning Commission for apartment bu1ld~ <br />lags. <br /> <br />Trustee Betherout IDfb~ed the Counoll that the Planning Commisslon <br />has not recommended approval of the rez~D1Dg as the plans subm1 tted <br />.ere not 8atlsfaotory. <br /> <br />Carl Dale .. Villase Plannelo, the COWlc1Jl snd the Plannlng Commission <br />are In agreement that this location would be sultable for multiple <br />dwellings. <br /> <br />MayO!' Ken ned1 sugges ted that M1'. JQr gen8011 and tbe Planning COIIIIIis siD n <br />WOl'k together 012 an acceptable plab. ' <br /> <br />Vllla~e Election Date <br />lIIa:ror Kennedy suggested that oonsider'tloD be glven to oombining <br />Village Electlons With the General ElectloDS. <br /> <br />REPORT OF ATTORNEY CClJRTNE!' <br /> <br />i <br />. <br />! <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Sanitary SeW81' No.6 Easement , <br />Trustee Olmen moved tbe approval of's reso111tloo, as attaohed, approv~ <br />ieg the aoquldtlon b:r oondemnation, oftha R:rsgaard easement In <br />Sanitary Sewer Improvement No.6) seoonded by Tr..tee Netherout; IIIOti 011 <br />Oa1'1' iedo <br /> <br />Squad Car Speoir1oatione and Blds <br />Trustee Crepeau moved the adopt1on of a resolUtion approvlng the <br />speclficatlons, a. on 1'11e, for a new .quad oal",and authorlzing the <br />publioatioD of' advertisement for b1ds and the acceptance of the blds <br />at t1>> C0l:l1011 meeUng If September 28, 1964; seconded by Trustee <br />Nethe1'Ol.l 11) moUon oarrled. <br /> <br />Uniform BUlld1otnCOde <br />Atty. coartne:r ' robed the CounoU that he will check with the Atty. <br />for White Bear ooncern1ng their amendments to the Uniform Bldg. Code. <br /> <br />Finanolal Aid to Recreational pro!rams <br />Atty_ courtne:r inro~ed theCounol ,hat he has requested an opinion <br />from the Atty.. General on V1llage finanoial partlclpation of' l'eo~ <br />reatlonal programs. <br /> <br />REPORT OF ENGR. DONALD LUND <br /> <br />Th6m Drive Dralnage <br />Trustee Olmen DIOved the approval of a resolution authorizing Ramsey <br />County to Install a culvert on Them Drive whioh Will be maintalned <br />by the Village; seoonded by Clerk Iorraine Stromquis t; motion <br />oarrled. <br /> <br />Oak AveDU.~ovemeat <br />kngro !.1CJa 1nrormi4 the Counoil that the reoent rain has delayed <br />the road work on Oak Avenue, reterred to Trustee OlmeDo <br /> <br />Mayor KenoedJ' suggested that if' the pr03eot 18 oot oompleted by <br />September 28. 1964. we 8hould probably hold an assessment hearing <br />U810g e.t!mated figures 1n order to have ttle auessment plaoed on <br />the tax rolls this :rear. Eagr. LIlad stated that eatimated figures <br />could be fUrn18hed. <br /> <br />-&0; <br />