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<br />., <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Minl~es or llegu18r Council Meeting <br /> <br />Angtlst 31. 1964 <br /> <br />lliY.&round Improvement Bid (cont'd) <br />TIIerk Lorraine Stromquist was requested to return the bid deposIts to <br />the bidders and to ask the Attorney to prepare the Contract between <br />the Village and Ryan Landscaping, luc. . <br /> <br />Trustee Nethercut moved that Banister Engineering Co. be allthcrllMld e <br />as per letter of.' August :31, 1964, to negotiate 1'01' U]0 seedin[ 1l{\'t'tioJ:l <br />of the contractJ seoonded by Trustee Crepeau; motio~ cu~rlcdo <br /> <br />The specifioations on the seeding item have bean char>.ged to rend thot <br />the Village would assume the respoDsibility of the oare of tho n~ed= <br />ing after it has been aocepted by the Village Engineer. <br /> <br />REPORT OF TRUSTEE CREPEAU <br /> <br />Civil Defense Matters <br />Trustee CrepeaU infol'llled the Council that the Civil Defense Dept. 1'l.8s <br />requested aid from Mounds View and New Brighton at the Fire School <br />whioh will be held at the Arden Hills Training Center and alao at the <br />Mounds View High Sohool fUnctions this yearJ he was concerned about <br />insurance coverage under these situations. Matter referred to Clerk <br />Lorraine Stromquist to obtain answers from Attorney Courtney. <br /> <br />~uad Car Specifications <br />ustee Crepeau submitted specifications fo~ a new squad aar to Atty. <br />Salland and moved that the Atty. be authorized to study the specifl~ <br />oations and prepare and pUblish bids to be accepted at the meeting of <br />September 28. 1904J seconded by Clerk Lorraine StromquistJ motion <br />oarried. <br /> <br />Baasey County Aid <br />lIIIayor Aennedy referred to Trustee Crepeau a letter froln Shel'iff 'i;l>.Jw':\~ <br />whiCh volunteered County aid at any time. <br /> <br />Police Department APl2intment <br />Trustee crepeau move that A. James Schmaedeke. 1954 Edgewater <br />be apPointed to the Arden Hills Polioe Dept. effective August 15, <br />1904, at the rate of $2.20 per hour; seconded by Cle~k I~rralne <br />StromqUistJ motion carried. <br /> <br />REPORT OF TRUSTEE OLMEN <br /> <br />Lake Johanna Blvd. lmpl'Oven1ent . <br />Ulerk Lorraine Stromquist J nfo1'!lled the Council that Floyd SnY'1!sr. <br />Ramsey County Engineer, wet.ld like the Mayor 01' Trustee Olmen to set <br />up a meeting regal'ding ease'ments with the home owners involved on the <br />P1"oposed County improvemenl; of Lake JOhanna Blvd. <br /> <br />Mayor Kennedy stated that he believes in improving the boulevard. but <br />not widening it as ~\his would cause traffic problem'" -"t,ther than e11ll1= <br />inate them; the cost of e€,sements would be too high for the Vll1age <br />to undertake ans he Was sure the home owners would object to an asseas= <br />ment for this 1mprov61l18nt. He suggested an alternate solution of <br />constructing a bridle path for pedestrians and bicycles. Clerk <br />Lorraine Stromquist ir.lf01'med the COWlcll that according to Mr. Snyker 9 <br />Road Funds cannot be used f~r anything but roads. <br /> <br />Trustee Olmen stated that Mayor Kennedy's alternate plan would also <br />save the trees on the toulnvard. <br /> <br />Trustee crepeau stated that he believes tIle Police Dept. would favoJ:' <br />Mayor Kennedy's recommendation. <br /> <br />Mayor Kennedy requested tl:.e matter be referred to Atty. Courtney to <br />oonfer with Count'Y' Al3t01'n./y Randall on the legal! ty of spending Road <br />Fund money by the County ;['01' the suggested bridle Path. <br />