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<br />Page :3 <br /> <br />Minutes of Regular Coulcil Meeting <br /> <br />,JUill.l()9 . 1964 <br /> <br />3459 Siems Court - Sewer Connectiolll <br />Trustee Crepeau moved that the temporary residence &t 3459 Slums Ct. <br />owned by Leon Sabine. be granted an indefinite deY.arral to connect <br />to the sanita~ sewer system. due to the prohibitive expense of <br />a connection, this grant subject to review and the premise tr~t %10 <br />health hazard ar1ses; seconded by Trustee Netherout. motion o81'ried. <br /> <br />. TRUSTEE CHEPEAU'S REPORT <br /> <br />Ordinance No. 78 - Re~lat1np; Parked Vehicles <br />Trustee Crepeau gave e final reading of Ordinance No. 78 - <br />An Ordinanoe regulating certain parking of motor vehicles <br />on public propert~ and oerta1n private property In ~e <br />Village of Arden H11ls wi1nout" looking the ignition and <br />remov1ng the oar keys. and providing penalties for the <br />violation thereof; <br />approved Its adoptlon and authorlzed the Clerk to have It legally <br />publlshed, seconded by Clerk Lorraine Stromquist; motlon carried. <br /> <br />Ordinance No. 79 ...A(loptlon of State F.J.p:hway Tl'ai'flo Re~pJ.ation Aot <br />'.frl1stee Crepeau moved the .t'1nal reading be given to ur inanotl TfCi;""79 - <br />An Ordinance repealing Ordinanoes No. two and twenty <br />seven, and ado~tlng the Hignway Traffic Regulation Aot <br />of the State of Minnesota as amended by the laws of 1963, <br />approved 1ts sdoption and authorized the Clerk to cause ita legal <br />publication; seconded by Trustee Nethercut. motion carrled. <br /> <br />REPORT OF VILLAGE ENGINEER <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />R1~ewood Road and Court Repair <br />.l!:n Deer Dotl Lu:ld inf01'llled the Council that he had ohecked with <br />Bituminous Roadways. Ino.. Contractor for the Oak Avenue Street <br />Improvement, and was glven a cost estl11.ate of $500000 for the Ridge'" <br />wood Court repair and the repair of Ridgewood Road near the lift <br />statlon. Referred to Mr. Lund and Trustee Olmen. <br /> <br />3161 Ridgewood Road <br />Mr. Lund stated that he would report on this drainage problem at <br />the next Council Meeting after ohecking with Trustee Olmen. <br /> <br />Rosevl1le Water Mains and Arden Hl1ls Connections <br />Copies of letters, dated JUne 18. 1964 and June 26. 1964, trom <br />Richard Turnlund. Village Administrator for the VillaGe of R03e~ <br />ville. had been sent to members of the Counol1. <br /> <br />The letter of June 18. 1964. addressed to Mayor Kennedy. requested <br />permission to construct water mains on the County Road D right of <br />way :::.neLalll;) along Glenh111 Road. the boundaries betweon the \;1'10 <br />villages. Sald letter also Informed.the Council that if Arden <br />Hl1ls so desired, connectlons would be Installed at this time to <br />servlce the resldents whose property abutted these boundarles. There <br />would be no charge to Arden Hills and the property owners would be <br />oharged for the connectlon at the t1me they wished to connect. <br /> <br />The letter of June 26, 1964, addre..ed to Clerk Lorraine Stromquist, <br />stated that Roseville had received requests from property owners <br />abutting the boundarles to be serviced througn Rosevll1e. Said <br />letter detailed the oost Involved computed on an example of a lot <br />with a 100 ft. fl'ontage and a valu".,.'~l\1n of $20.000000 as follows: <br /> <br />$4.'15 per foot- $4'15.00 <br />Connect10n charge - approximately $125000 <br />Tax equivalent - $185.00 <br />Total - $785.00. <br /> <br />The outslde resident would be required to slgn a contractual agree- <br />ment wUh the Vlllage of Roseville. agreeing to abide by all reg~ <br />ulatlofls imposed on R088ville residents for watero <br /> <br />- contlnued - <br />