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<br />Page 2 <br /> <br />Minutes of Regular Councl~ Meeting <br /> <br />June 29, 1964 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Butane Taak Matter <br />Att,.. courtney Inf01'Jll.edthe Counoil that he had received a report <br />1'.t'OlII Mr. Kelley. Building InspeotOl'. on the butane tank IiIllttel' Gnd <br />the ew1mning pool which is located on a lot adjaoent to the owner's <br />lot. Lester WIlsey. 11'18 THlel' Lane. Said lot running from T1l1e.t' <br />Lane to Carlton Drive, w1th the tank located on the Carlton Dz'ive <br />side close to the property line and is the subjeot of nelgnbo~a! <br />oomplaints. <br /> <br />Atty. Courtney stated that he had studied both the Building Code <br />and the Zoning Ordinances and repOl'ted the following findings and <br />opinions: definition of a structure cUffers and. in his opinion.. <br />the sw1mm1ng pool is a st1'l1ctare aooording to the Building Code <br />and, therefore. a building permit should have been taken out; t.b.e <br />tank i8 a struoture acoording to the Zoning Ordlnanca, as the <br />Ordinanoe state. that the set baok and side lot areas should be <br />open areas and fre. of structu1's; therefore, this tank should be <br />set back at least 40 ft. ~ the Carlton Drive side. <br /> <br />Atty. Courtney suggested that a study be given on swimming pools <br />to be inoorporated in the proposed new Building Code. <br /> <br />Clen~ Lorraine Stromquist informed the Counoil that Mr. B&ugh~ <br />Village Heating Inspeotor. reported that a permit should have been <br />taken out for the tank and the pipeline. Two oontractors were <br />involved in this installation. <br /> <br />The Council authOl'ized Atty. Courtney to write to Mr. Wilsey and <br />inform him of these findings. <br /> <br />Proposed Sele of Vlllap;e Owned Lot 19 <br />Atty. courtney in1'Ol'meCl the Cwnoil that it is not mandatory that <br />bids be accepted tOll' the sale 01' Village owned. property and suggested <br />that this property be sold on a quit claim basis a8 the Village doss <br />not have an abstract; an abstract would oost about $50 to $60. Tho <br />asking priCe for thi. lot to $500. <br /> <br />Mayor Kennedy stated thaj; 1Ir. Binger is no longer ini;erested in <br />purohasing the lot, there1'ore~ Mr. Vessey and possibly Ml'. Thci:l,Pson <br />are the onl,. two interes ted parties. <br /> <br />The Council agreed not to aooept bids and authorized Atty. Co~tney <br />to send a registered letter to Mr. Thompson offering for sale a <br />strip of this lot measuring 10ft on Sandeen Boad and narrowing <br />down to 2 ft. on the lakeshore for the price of $100.00, and to <br />request a decision from Mr. Thompson within two weeks. <br /> <br />The drainage easement on this property was discussed and it was <br />decided that a five ft. easement from each divisiOn be retained by <br />the Village. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br /> <br />TrUstee Crepeau moved, seconded b,. Clerk Lorraine Stromqu1st~ that <br />Oscar Husby be paid~630; motion carried. <br /> <br />1714 Crystal Avenue - Drain Til. Connection <br />Atty. coartney 101'01'11I8(1 the Uou 1CU that he has received a bond <br />in the amoult 01' $1,000. effective until June 1. 1965, to cover <br />any damage incurred during oonstruction of the connection of the <br />drain tile to the storm se'W'er for this residence. The Counoil <br />reques'ted Atty. Courtney 1;13 draft an agreement Which would hold <br />the Village not 11& ble if' 'the storm sewer backs up l13to the baa e- <br />men1t ot this residence at 'thia time or aD7time in the _future; this <br />agr.'8ment woold then be re'D01'ded with .the Register of Deeds as a <br />notice to fu.ture owners. <br /> <br />- oOI~tinued - <br />