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CC 06-29-1964
City Council
City Council Minutes
CC 06-29-1964
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<br />Page 4 <br /> <br />Minutes of Regu1a~ Council Meeting <br /> <br />June~9, 1964 <br /> <br />Roseville Water Mains (cont'd) <br />Roger Short, Banister Engineering Co., was presRnt to explain and <br />answer questions. He explained there would be no cost to Arden <br />Hills and the prope1'ty owners oonnecting to this water sys tam \'fOuld <br />deal directly with Rosevillo. However, permission and permits <br />must be granted by the Village of Arden Hills for: each oor:meotloah <br /> <br />'l'rl18tee Crepeau moved, seconded by Trustee Nethercut, to adopt l!l. <br />resolution, as attaohed, granting Roseville permission to install <br />water mains on County Road D and also on Glenhill Roe. d and to <br />install oonnections for the abutting property owners; motion carriodo <br /> <br />Control Data Road <br />Trustee crepeau moved that Roger Short be authol'izedto inf01'lll <br />Control Data that Arden Hills will aocept the road oonstruoted on <br />Control Data property if C9,llstruoted according to the alternate <br />plan proposed by Banister Engineering Co.; seconded by Clerk Lorraine <br />Stromquist; motion oarried, <br /> <br />Jose~hine Hills Draina~e Ditoh <br />bon BarthO, memlle1' of' he Josephine Hills AS80e1aUon, .1nformed the <br />Counoil that he had discussed with Tl'ustee OlmeD the matter of <br />dredging the drainage dltch !lowlng into Lake Josephine near Fern~ <br />1I'cod Avenueo As recommended by Deane Anklan, Ramsey County Bngr., <br />1>11'. Bartho requested the Village to request the State to dredge <br />the ditch with the Josephine Hills Association paying the cost. <br />Application and letter rete1'l'ed to Atty~ Courtney. <br /> <br />Sewer Availability with Rosevl11. <br />Hoger ~hort Inrormed tne ~ounol~ that Rosevilla assumes it has the <br />capacity to service the additional area south of the Arms Plant in <br />Arden Hills; however, the Hamline Avenue oonnection is serving to <br />capacity, but the Prior -Avenue connection Is not to capllclty at <br />thIs time. Heyor Kenned7 requested a letter from Roscvllle conf11'111~ <br />ing this Information. <br /> <br />Clerk Lorraine Stromquist recommended that the Planning Cammdssion <br />be made aware of this sltuatlono. <br /> <br />Burled Cable ~ Valentine Cl'est Road <br />Trustee crepeau moved, as recommended by Engr. Don Lund In hill <br />letter ot June 24, 1964. that Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. be <br />pe1'mitted to plaoe, construct and thereafter maintain buried tele.. <br />pb~. cable In Valentine Crest Road 'S shoWn on their sketch, <br />Exhibit AI seoonded by Trus.tee Netherout, motion carried. <br /> <br />Traffic Control - T.R. 36 to T.H. 10 and 8 . <br />Maps and Inf'ormation ooncerning the traf'f'ic signs and devioes from <br />T.H. 36 to T.R. 10 and 8 were referred to Engr. Lund. <br /> <br />RidgewGodRoad Bank <br />Eog!'. l.4md in1'ormed the Council that Mrs. Betty Klaas. RIdgewoed <br />Road resident, bad asked that the bank, caused by the street pro~ <br />... ject, be oorrected, matter referred to Mr. Lund and Trustee Olmen. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />REPORT OF TRUSTEE NEl'HERCll'l <br /> <br />COUD ty Road F Playmua4 <br />Trustee Jl'e1litl.ercut ol'llled the Council that the Welfare Committee <br />Is requesting permission for Banister !ngineering'Co. to draw <br />tinal plans for this pla:yground with the landscaping to cost about <br />$1,000- reqUest grantedo . <br /> <br />Arden Hille Baseball Reauest . <br />C~erk Lorralne Stromquist read a letter from Roy Anderson asking <br />that the Council reoonsider the Arden Hills Junior Baseball League'. <br />request for financial aid. Trustee Netherout informed the Council <br />that the Welfare Committee had recommended that this not be granted <br />a8 it.1s not in the budget for this :year 0 <br /> <br />True tee Crepeau stated that he is on the Board 01' this groUp aa4 <br />the boyspartioipatlng 81'ein the age group who 81'e ei~er too <br />young 1'el1' Legion baseball and too old for Babe Ruth Leagues and <br /> <br />a terrl:f~lo job is being doneo <br />.. oontinued .. <br />
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