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<br />Page 5 <br /> <br />Minutes of Regular Counoil Meeting <br /> <br />JurU1j'..,9, 1964 <br /> <br />Parkin/l: Tickets <br />Trustee crepeau informed the Council that complaints are being <br />registered concerning the parking tickets given out at the Lake <br />Johanna beach for parking in no-parking zones and also about the <br />$8.00 fine being exoessive. Trustee crepeau stated that this <br />constant~enf.orcement is neoessary because of the oongestion at <br />the beach oausing emergency vehicles problems. <br /> <br />. REPORT OF CLERK LORRAINE STROMQUIST <br /> <br />Crystal Avenue - Sewer Connection <br />Clerk Lorraine Stroraquist read a letter, dated JurA 22, 1964, from <br />Engr. Lund whioh stated that the property desoribed as Lot 13, <br />Block 2, Shorewood Hilla, was oonsidered a non-buildable lot, at <br />the time of sewer construct lon, as the slte was low snd ~ampy and <br />a dralnage ditch was orossing the proper~J therefore, no service <br />was provided for this lot. Later the owner installed a drainage <br />pipe line and filled In the lot and now 1l!I having a home cODl.ltt'ucted <br />on 1t. <br /> <br />Fred Nixon infol'JIled the Council thllt he had contacted sewer conneot- <br />10n contractors and estimated the coat to the ma1n would be between <br />$75.00 and $125.00. <br /> <br />CleI'1t Lorraine Stromqu1st moved that the Village aSSUllle the coat <br />of insta1l1ng service to this lot a8 this lot was assessed for <br />servlce in erl'01"; aeconded by Trustee Net.l'lSrcut. motion carr1ed. <br /> <br />Minnesota MUn~~a11t1e. Convention <br />v~erk Lorraina--sllromquis t 1D1'ormed the Council that she had att"mdfld <br />the three day convention held in Minneapo11s and gave a short 1'8= <br />port with the intention of glving a detailed repO%'t later. <br /> <br />Bethel Col:8 ge <br />Glel'k Lorralne Stromqu1a t informed the Council that a lengthy <br />report had been received from the State Board of He!:\lth ooncerning <br />the proposal of Bethel College to use Valentine Lake for sw1mning. <br />Referred to Trus tee Nethercut for study. <br /> <br />Wiegele-Pfe1lstioker Matter <br />GLerk Lorraine Stromquist read a letter from Mr. and Mrs. P. L. <br />Pfeilsllcker, 1431 Arden Plaoe. whlch thanked the Council for thelr <br />oonsideration in the matter of the Weigele garage matter. They <br />also informed the Council that the garage is stl11 inoomplete. and <br />they have heard that the Intention of Mr. Beigele is to enlarge <br />the struoture to a two oar garage aga1n when the Pfeilsticker's sell <br />the property. Trustee Crepeau moved that the letter be plaoed on <br />tl1e; seoonded by Clerk Lorraine Stromquist; motion oarried. <br /> <br />BOARD OF MPRALS RECOMMENDATIONS <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Kachel Side Lot Varianoe <br />Trustee Netherout moved to aocept the reoommendation of the Board <br />of Appeals and grant a side lot varianoe to Warner Kachel, 2002 <br />Stowe Avenue, to oonstruct an additlon of a breeze=way and garage <br />, <br />to hls exlsting house; this would result in a slde lot distance <br />of 7 ft. instead of the required 10 fto This variance granted <br />subJeot to Mr. Kachel obtaining written permission from the proQ <br />perty owner adjaoent to his lot on the west side. Seconded by <br />Trustee Crepeau; motlon carr led. <br /> <br />Flaherty's Arden Bowl - Si~n Variance Request <br />~be Board of Appeals reoommended granting FLaherty's Arden Bowl <br />permission to lnstall, with qualifioatlons, a sign on the north <br />side of their building. Matter referred to Trustee Nethercut for <br />further study 0 <br /> <br />- oontinued - <br />