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<br />Page 4 <br /> <br />Minutes of Regular Coulcim Meeting <br /> <br />:'!I1Y 25. 1904 <br /> <br />Civil hights Covenant <br />Clerk read 9 letter and a petition from Mrs. John Hillsley. Jr.. <br />North Oaks. v{hich requested the signatures of the ;ilayor and the <br />members of the Council regarding open housing. Trustee Nethercut <br />moved the matter be referred to the fublic Welfare Co4mittee and <br />the VillaEe Atty. for study and recommendation; seconded by Clerk <br />Lorraine Stromquist; motion carried. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />hequest to ;',love ,louse <br />Clerk read a letter, dated May 20, 19ti4. from Don Julen which re~ <br />quested permission to move the Zilliox house on County hoad B to a <br />site further north of its present location on the same property. <br />Building Inspector Clay Aelle1 stated that he could Bee no problem. <br />Watter referred to the Planning Coumissiono <br /> <br />League of Minnesota MuniciEalities <br />'fhe CouncIl requested Clerk L'rraine Stromquist to represent the <br />Villar:e at the 50th Annual Uonvention of the L.M.j;l. to be held at <br />the hadisson Hotel in Minneapolis. June 17, 18 and 19, snd urged <br />others to attend. <br /> <br />ThAFFIC PROBLE1.5 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />liamline Avenue <br />Mrs. ~nest ~lausen, 4420 Hamline Ave., complained of the speed at <br />traffic on Hemline Avenue. borth of the freewayo Clerk re.lested <br />to confer with Mr. Bnlker. Hi~hway Depto <br /> <br />Valentine Avenue thru Traffic <br />~lerk reported that several residents have called cQ#plaining about <br />the spped of thru traffio on Valentine Ave. Trustee Cre~eau stated <br />that the speed limit cannot be reduced, but possibly could be <br />patrolled more. He believes that the proulem will be solved when <br />school is out and Hi"hway 100 is open for traffic. Clerk re, uested <br />to ask ;,tr. Sniker aboot plans for. ~ounty hoad F' nnd lliChway #10. <br />This is a difficult corner frOm which to make a left turn and is <br />probably the reason for the thru traffic on Valentine Aveo <br /> <br />County hoad F flayground <br />~lerk lnl'ormed the I;ouncil thnt she had written a letter to the <br />County requesting "No Parking Signs" for bot, sides of County hond F <br />at the playground site because of the contest ion during baseball <br />games. This was reques ted by Mr. Sparks. l<'red Nixon informed <br />the Council that tohe sirns would be installed before next week-endo <br /> <br />hecreational Avpointments <br />Trustee Nethercut moved that Trustee cre~eau represent the Villace <br />on the Ooard of D1rectors of the Little Lakes Little League; <br />seconded by Clerk Lorraine Stromquist; motion cal'ried. <br /> <br />Clerk Lorraine Stromquist moved thnt Trustee Nethercut represent <br />the Villsr:e on the ,;lounds View At letic Assln 12oal'd of Directors; <br />seconded by Trustee Cre~eau; motion carriedo <br /> <br />Pay hate Determination <br />Trustee crepeau moved, seconded by Trustee Nethercut. that l"ayor <br />Kennedy, Trustees OlIDen and Nethercut study Bnd reco~nend a rate <br />to be paid to James Nixon; motion carriedo <br /> <br />ClailllB <br />~rustee OImen moved. seconded by ~lerk ~rraine Stromquist. that the <br />clalma. as submitted and attached. be al!proved for paYIllent; motion <br />carr1edo <br /> <br /> <br />at 10cOO PoIl1o <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Lorraine <br /> <br />