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<br />Page 3 <br /> <br />Mlnutes of hegulal' gounoll Meeting <br /> <br />May 25. 1964 <br /> <br />RW'ORT OF TRUSTEE OLlaN <br /> <br />Desi~nated Haul hoads <br />Cler Lorra1ne Stromquist read Orders numbered 35570$ 35572 and <br />35573, fran M. 1>. Hermanson. Actine CODlIIlo of llighways, which lnd <br />formed the Council of certain rOflda in the VilJ.aCe to be used aa <br />haul ronds in connection with the construction of T.R. 35W and 694. <br />Trustee Cre~eau requested that copies of these orders be given to <br />Lt. Pat Sexton. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Request for Private ~arkinf Ffloillty <br />Trustee OLmen reported the ~~. James LomJard. 1600 Oak Avenue, <br />requested that the 5 ft. of the blvd. and 3 ft. of his property be <br />blacktopped. at his expense, along with the Oak Avenue St. Improved <br />ment to provide adequate parking facilities. After Counoil d,s cuss- <br />ion. the Clerk was requested to inform ikr. Lombard that his request <br />is ppproved with the understanding that the VillaRe not be liable <br />for any repairlng or replacing of the blacktop as a result of <br />Villaee improvements. etc.. also, to inforr" l,~. LOl1lbal'd that snow <br />aooumulated on this area cannot be removed at Village expense. <br /> <br />hEl'ORT OF CLERt;: LOhh1\INE STROldQUIST <br /> <br />Village Hall .Plantings <br />Acting Mayor crepeau re uested tne Clerk to prepare a thank you <br />letter to be signed by the &ayor to the Arden Hills Seed pnd Weed <br />Club for the planting of the Villaee liell planter end also for the <br />donation of the planted redwood tubs placed at the entrance of the <br />Village Hall. <br /> <br />Postal Service <br />~lerk reported-that she had met with 1~. Anderson, Supt. of Delivery <br />for the St. Paul Post Office, and l~. Sweezy. and WaS given approval <br />to have the'mail delivered to the hell lnstead of being placed in <br />the box on the highway. They requested that the street names of <br />proposed plats be submitted to them for study to eliminate any oon- <br />fusion in mail delivery. She informed the Council thf'tshe learned <br />that when the ZIP code is suffioiently acce~ted. probably in five <br />leal'S, lt is possible that "Arden Hills" may be used instead of <br />St. PaUl." <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Flahe1.ty'lI Arden Bowl Sip:n <br />As recommended by the Board of Appeals, Trustee Netnel'out moved <br />that the recuest for II val'iaooe of the Billboard Ordinance to <br />allow Flaherty's Arde,'J Bowl to extend their sign an additional 15 ft. <br />be denied; seconded by Clerk Lor1'aine Stromquist; motion ca1'ried. <br /> <br />Mr. and Ml's. Ted Lindbom. 4008 Fairview Ave., were present. <br />1~. Lindbom spoke against the granting of this sign request and <br />mentioned tne objection of the existing McGuire's sign. tie was <br />1nformed that the McGuire slgn was .pproved before the Village <br />had an ordinllnoe governing slgn8. <br /> <br />Vacancies on the Board of AEpea18 <br />Trustee Nethercut 11I0ved that Robt. Fritts, 1780 Ven ',S Ave., and <br />Geo. Boomer, 3201 N.'Snelling Ave., be appointed to the Board of <br />Alpeals to replace vl'cationing Thos. Horty and James Schmaedekej <br />seconded by TrUB tee OlIDen; motion carried. <br /> <br />Mld-Decade Census <br />Clerk L0rraine ~tramquist informed the Council that a reoommenda- <br />tion on a mld-decade census w1ll be submitted within a few weeks <br />as a request for this census must be approved by the Federal GOvta <br />this fallo <br /> <br />Re-Assessments .. Sewer ~provements Nos. 1 and 3 <br />Clerll: l..orralne Btiromqulst moved the adoptlon 01' two resolutions, <br />as attached, relating to ~pportionment of assessments relating to <br />Sanitary Sewer ~provem8ntB Nos. 1 and 3. seconded by Trustee <br />Nethsrcut; motion oarried. <br /> <br />.. continued .. <br />