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<br />. <br /> <br />Page 2 <br /> <br />Minutes of hefCu10.t' COD,nCil Meeting <br /> <br />May 11. 1964 <br /> <br />Red Fox Road (oont'd) <br />Mr. VaUbney requested that the Counoil grant permission for the rough <br />grading of the road, as specified by the Village :Engineer, so the <br />road will be properly located and he 0131'1 plan the development. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Trustoe Netnercut re!ld tne recollmendation of the l'lanning C01lmiss ion <br />on this ~atter which stated that they felt that since this road <br />will be a local service road and not a COlfmunity service road, the <br />cos~ sh.fJuld be a,'portioned accordingly; the road should bo p'opal'ly <br />located, widened to 80 ft. right of way, made to industrial capacity <br />ana Wlwn necess~ry finished to liirhwey #51. <br /> <br />Tr'u~teQ ulmen moved that permission be granted for the rough grading <br />of tee Fox hoed in accordance with the plans of l3enister .!:;ngineering <br />Co., \vi th no cos t to the Villa("e; seconded by Tr ustee r'etllercut; <br />motion carried. <br /> <br />Att;. Courtney requested thRt D~nister .!:;ngineering Co. submit legal <br />de~~ription for the two 7 ft. easements. <br /> <br />Re,onin~ Request <br />VT:l'k read a letter from the hoberts Construction, Inc., dated <br />IIle! 1, 19\)4, which re, uested that the property they own located <br />nrl'th of .Ie;)er Cabinet Shop be rezoned from Co;;,mercinl to lndust%'ial. <br />'.','ustee ~etflercut moved that the a;;plication be referred to the <br />Planning Cou~ission; seconded by Trustee Crepeau; motion carried. <br /> <br />,~,lerk also read a letter. dated ;\lay 7. 19c4, frou! ,.it'. John Daubney <br />~'i th the necessary inforDu'tion enclosed fo%' coneidera tion of this <br />rezoning. <br /> <br />Warehouse llUildirs hequest <br />TrUstee Nethel'Cu l'eportea that the Planning COIwuission had called <br />a special meeting to consider the resubmitted j-lans froLl Mr. Daubney <br />:l.nd "Ir. hoberts fol' a warehouse to be built west of Dynacast. <br />;,11'. Ae1'r l:'ecOi,mended that 'the Council should obtain assurance that <br />this would not be leased to a trUcking concern now or in the future. <br />Ur. Daubney stated that this is not their intention and that he has <br />refUsed to consider requests for such activity. <br /> <br />Trustee Nethercllt moved that the plans be apPl'oved. as recouil/Jended <br />by the Planning Coumission" subject to the SUbmitting of additional <br />p~ans Showing phYSiCAl dimensions and a different treatment of the <br />exterio~ of the bUilding and subject to the Rl,proval of the build~ <br />ing inspector; seconded by '],'1'1 stee Crepeau; motion carried. <br /> <br />Sewer Connection Time Extension Request <br />Urs. Ona Sabine, 3464 Siems Court, recuested an extion of time <br />beyond the J~1e 1, 19u4 extension previously prRnted to connect <br />3459 Siems Court to the sewer system. because of the UnSSua1 sitUation <br />which involves the installation of a pUu~ing system. <br /> <br />Engineer Don Lund info~ed the Council that thia house could never <br />' %'eceive gravity service. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Trtls tee Crepeau moved that an extention be granted to July 1, 1904; <br />seconded by Cle%'<l: Lorl'aine Stromquist; motion carr ied. <br /> <br />'l'ha Council requested the Villare Engineer to work with the Sabines <br />on a Possible solution. <br /> <br />Wiegele ;.!at tel' <br />!~. p. P!'ielsticker. 1431 Arden ~lace" inquired as to the status of <br />the garare" cons tructed by J<lr. '/iegele, 1437 Arden place. Tills <br />earage was oonst%'uctioQ in violation of the Ordinance. p~. rliegele <br />had been directed by the Council to abide by the Ordinance by May 12. <br />19u4" but os reported by Mr. Pfielsticker and w~. Kelley, Building <br />Inspector, nothing has been done. .myOI' Kennedy requested the Clel'k <br />to confer with Atty. Courtney and authorized the Atty. to proceed <br />with the terms of the ordinance governing such violation. <br /> <br />- continued _ <br />