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<br />I <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Page 4 <br /> <br />Minutes of Regular CoulWl1 MJeticg <br /> <br />February 24, 1964 <br /> <br />REPORT OF TRUSTEE OLMEN <br /> <br />Ramsey Co. Leafue of Munic1pal1t1as <br />Trustee Olme/:) nfor_aed the ~ouncil that he has been appointed to <br />the Sewer Comm1ttee of the R.C.L.M. <br /> <br />," Sewer Re tes Study . <br />Merl!/:) Anderson, 1873 Grant ROAd, inquired about tho study of sewer <br />rates as reported 1n the St. Paul paper. Mayor Kenn..)r1y infor..wd the <br />Coune 11 that a technical study is proposed by th', Z'\1..'"l areaS. Arden <br />Hills' share of the cost would be 1410.00. 1layor Kennedy reco:'-"uonded <br />that Arden Hills join in this study. The recor,menda tions fo!' the <br />Ashbach Bill are due by Ootober 15, 1904. Mayor Kennedy explainod <br />thet with the hiring of a spechl1st in this field. we would bG better <br />prepared to present statistics and facts from a recognized autho~ity. <br /> <br />REPORT OF TRUSTEE CREPEAU <br /> <br />Policing of Control Data <br />~rustee Crepeau reported that the traffic rush from Control Data 1s <br />from 4:30 to 4140 p.m. and the traffic appears to be moving smoothly. <br />He feels that the new road will probablY):lj!pd.le .any additional traffic. <br /> <br />. _.... <br /> <br />Police Salaries <br />Trustee Crepeau moved that Lt. Pat Sexton receive an hourly rate of <br />$2.20 per hour for extra duty in addition to hIs ~nfu~ll salary, and <br />the policemen to be paid on a straight hourly basis of ~2.20 par hr. <br />ins tead of the former i137.50 per month for night duty and the $2.20' <br />per hour for extra duty hoursl these rates to be effective as of . <br />February 1, 1904; seconded by Clerk LorraIne Stromquist; motion carried. <br /> <br />Trustee Crepeau informed the Council that logs are kept by the police- <br />men end are Checked by Lt. Sexton and Mr. Weber; uD<-lsual activity <br />polioing and extra duty requests are submitted far approval. He also <br />stated that the squad car is to be used for.policing after midn1ght <br />instead of private cars. <br /> <br />Clvll,Defense <br />Trustee crepeau moved that the Civil Defense be permitted to <br />two 2-...y radios at a cost of $92.50 per unitl seconded by Tr~st0G <br />Olmenl motion oarried. <br /> <br />Trustee Crepeau 1nformed the Council that this equipment eou14 also <br />be used by the Polioe Dept., and 1s with1n the budget - possibly the <br />Federal Government will pay half of this' cost. <br />, <br /> <br />REPORT OF MAYOR KENNEDY <br /> <br />PUblic P1annIn~ Meeting <br />Mayor Kennedy reported that the Arden Hills League of Women Voters is <br />sponsorIng an open PlannIng Meeting on March 24, at 8:00 p.m., at <br />the Trinity Lutheran Church of Lake JOhanna, New Brighton Road. They <br />are extending a spe~ial invitation to the Council and the Chairman of <br />the Committees. ' <br /> <br />Road Load Restriotion PrOblem <br />Mayor Kennedy read a letter. dsted Feb. SO, 1904, from the St. Paul <br />Area "hamber of Commel'ce requesting oOnsideration be given to the <br />matter of additional charges for heavy hauling over roads in the <br />village during tne load restr1ction period in the spring. Additional <br />cost 1s incurred by moving companies due to the traosfer at goods <br />from small !)arriersto larger ones to avoid overload finea. Mayor <br />Kennedy suggested that the residents be notified in sdvance of the <br />road restrictions so ther oen arrange their heavy hauling accord1ngly. <br />Referred to (;lerk and Trustee Olmen. " <br /> <br />New York World's Fair RetresentatioD_ <br />Mayor Kennedy reeCl a let sr, dateCl It' b. 6. 1964, from Gov. Rolvllag <br />requesting l;ons1deretionby the Village of renting en illuminated <br />plaque at t~e Minnesotaexhlbit at the World's Fair. 3aid plaque <br />would oost $1,500.00 <br /> <br />-continued - <br />