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<br />I <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />',,~ <br /> <br />Page 5 <br /> <br />Minutes of Regular Counoil Iileeting l<'ebrll.iE')j 24, 1964 <br /> <br />REPORT OF CLERK <br /> <br />N.S.P. Co. Rate ReduotioQ <br />Clerk.Lorraine Stromquist read a letter, dated Feb. 11, 1964, from <br />the Northern States POwer Co. notifying the VIllage that the 1'081= <br />dents~will realIze a reduction of rates after Maroh 2, 1964. Attached <br />to said letter were schedules of rates. <br /> <br />ASSESShffiNT APPORTIONMENTS <br /> <br />Sanitary Sewer Improvement No.3 <br />~lerkLorra1ne Stromquist introduoed and moved the adoption of a res~ <br />olution, as attached, relating to apportionment of aSsessments <br />relatlnR to Sanitary Sewer Lnprovement No.3; seconded by Trustee <br />Crepeau; motion carried. <br /> <br />Srnit8~ Sewer Improvement No.5 <br />c ark rra1ne Stromquist introduced and moved the adoption of a <br />resolution, oS attached, relating to apportionment of Dssessmen~s <br />relating to Sanitary Sewer Improvement No.5, seconded by Trustee <br />Crepeau; motIon carried. <br /> <br />SRnita~ Sewer lmprovement No.6 <br />~lerk rraine Stromquist introdUCed and moved the adoption of a <br />resolutIon, as attaChed, relating to apportionment ~f assessments <br />relating to Sanitary Sewer Improve.ebt No.6, seconded by Trustee <br />crepeau; motiob carr1ed. <br /> <br />street Improvement No.1 <br />Ulerk Lorraine ~tromquist introduced end moved the adoptlon of a <br />resolution, as attached, relating to apportionment of assessments <br />relating to Street Improvement No~ 1; seconded by T~~Btee Crepeeui <br />motion carrledo <br /> <br />V\llage Hall AudloPro~lem <br />Trustee ~etbercu~ requSsted the Clerk to mentlon the matter of the <br />public not being cbie tohesr at tj:le Counc 11 Meetlngs. Clerk Lorraine <br />Stromquist stated that this problem wl1l be partly eolved efter the <br />new heating system is installed. The matter of residents stepping <br />up to the Council table and dlsc'ussing thelr prOblems to the CO\lDCll, <br />with their backs to'the audlence, also creates a hearing problem~ <br /> <br />Dutch ~lm Pieesse Meetibf <br />Clerk Lorralne Stromquls reported on the all dsy meeting she attended <br />regardlng the Dutoh elm disel)Se prOblem. She stated that the meeting <br />was most lnformatlve, but not too appllcable to Arden Hills. <br /> <br />Budp;et Report ' <br />~lerk presented the Cou~oll with coples of the budget through <br />January 1904. . <br /> <br />Commercial Sewer Rates <br />Ulerk Lorraine S~romquist moved that sewer rates fornsw commeroial <br />establlshments be establlshed a8 follow~. <br /> <br />. <br />Flaherty's Alden Bowl - $277.60 annually <br />Na'areth Hall -'8ddl~lon.l annual cbSrge of $61.40 for <br />the connection recently made for laundry <br />facUi ty , <br />183. Noble Road - changed to commerclal status for reason <br />of lts belng llsted in the Remsey Coo <br />Dlrectory as "La Polnte Sign Pain*lngh <br /> <br />seconded by Trustee Crepeau, motlon Carr led. <br /> <br />.. continued - <br />