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<br />Section 13. Removal of Unauthorized Si2na Or Billboards. <br /> <br />Upon report by the Police Department to the Council of any unauthorized <br /> <br />aig~ or billboard. in Atden Hill., the Council may, in ita di.eretion, give <br /> <br />the owner of the premi..a upon which .ueh sign ot billboard is located at <br /> <br />lea.t 30 day. ten notice that .uch sign is in violation of thi. Ordinance. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />which notice ahall be given in the .eme manner ae provided in Section 11 <br /> <br />hereof. In the event that said billboard or sign ie not remoV$d, or a licen.., <br /> <br />if eligible for l1~nae, the~for i. not obtained, within the time atated in <br /> <br /> <br />such notice, the aeme may be removed by the Village after condemnation in the <br /> <br />.eme manner a. provided for the condemnottion and destruction of b1.\ildinga or <br /> <br />atructure. in the Building Code, and the expense of .ooh condemnation and <br />de.truction including the expen.e of nace..ery legal procaeding., .hall be <br />imposed 1I8 a lien up!ln .aid prami.... <br /> <br />Section 14. leq.ue$t8 lor Variance. Ancl Appeal.. <br />(a) In the event that au application for a pet"Dlit or licenae hereunder <br /> <br />i. denied by the Clerk or Building In.pector for any reason whataoever, the <br /> <br />epplicant may then appeal .ueh c1enial to the Board of Appeal. e.tabl1ehed <br /> <br />and acting under the provi.ion. of Section 9 of Ordinance No. 18, the Zoning <br /> <br />Ordinance. Such appeal may be taken by letter directed toeitber the Clerk <br /> <br />or the Building Inspector, whichever La.ued the particular denial, and it <br /> <br />.hall then be the duty of the Clark to forward .uch letter of aJlleal, the <br /> <br />application, and all other relevant data in the pos..e.ion of the Clark or <br /> <br />the Building IlllIpactor to the Board !If Appeals for consideration by it. <br />(b) The Boal"d of Appeala .hall make euch inve.tigation and hold .uch <br /> <br />hearing. a. it deema advi.ab1e to ~btain the full fact. in connection with <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />the aPPllal. The SOard ahell act upon tbe .... pdncip1ee at ..t forth in <br />the aforesaid Section 9, and .hall particularly conaidel" Whether the pl"oP!lsedl <br />sign or billboard, or non-conforming .ign or billboard. as the caee Dl8Y be, <br /> <br />will be a vadance from the t.rma and pl"oviaiollll ..ubliehed by tbb Ordin- <br />>( <br />ance and whether, if that be the caee,rgranting the variance will l"e.ult in <br /> <br />unneceas<<1')' or nursa.onable hard.hip to the applicant, and Whether .uch <br /> <br />granting will be contnry to the public intere.t. <br /> <br />- 6 . <br />