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<br />~ <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />_. <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />," <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />Condcleration by the Board of Appeah in aucll cuea 840uld include, <br />the position of the propoaed aignor billboard with reference to the immedia~ <br />locality in 1fflicll it ;I.a placed or to be pleced, .. well a8 the oVllrall effect: <br />of lIuch sign or b:Ulboard on the probable development of the particular <br />area, and au<:h other Ill8ttera a8 ap,.ax pertinent for t,he aafeguarding of <br />the publi<: inter..t. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />(c) 1I'ith:l.n 30 daya after tbe .ute upon 1fflichdle paxti<:ular appeal 1s <br />raceiV*d by the Board of Appeda the Board aha11 report to the Council ita <br />recQllllll8ndation for granting or dental of auell appeal. The Boaxd Ill8Y, if it <br />deems it appropriate, accompany auch recommendation by a letter setting forth! <br />any relevant Ill8tter. influencing it. recommendation. <br />(d) Within 30 daya after receipt by the Council of tuch recommendation <br />by the Board of Appeals tile Council, aftar any add:l.tiOllal investigation or: <br /> tbat it deema appropriate, 8bdl act upon such appeal by granUna or <br />denying :l.t. T1le action of the Council thereon aball be g~d by the <br /> <br />.tandarda aet forth in the aforeaaid Section 9 of Ordinance No. 18 and the <br />other 8tandarda Ht forth herein, to the end that the public inteTeat .ball <br /> <br />be propedy promoted and .afeguarded. <br /> <br />Section IS. Inconaiatent Proviaiona Rapea1ed. <br />All proviaiona relative to eigna or billboard. heretofore enacted by <br />thia Council and inconabtent with the prov:l.aion. contained herein are bereby, <br />repealed, particularly sucb referencea to Signa Or b:l.llboarde aa <br />are conta:l.ned in Ordinance No. 18, the Zonina Ordinance, and Ordinance No. <br />16, the Building Code, and _ndmente thereto. <br />Section 16. Savi~a Clane.. <br />In the eWlnt anyone or IlIQre of the provisioDll of thb Ord11U11l(:e ahall <br />be ~erminad to be illeg.l, unlawful or uncon.titutional, the __ _hall not i <br />be 1:000.trued or beld to alter, annul or repeal, or otberw1se affect, any of <br />the other tarma, $)roviaicna, ril;atricticna, requireMDta or COnditiona of thir <br />Ordinance. <br /> <br />.. 7 .. <br />