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<br />. <br /> <br />ICajor Aree. of AccOIIIlteltillty (cOIltf.a1aed) <br /> <br />'or .uperv1.1Dg the preparaUoa of record. of .peclal ....._ta <br /> <br />..w ~.e.lwl _'~ 11_ ~_ ~. Vl11~. A._...w., r._~l.J-1 fr".__~~~, ~.~.. <br />1.14--... ~.... ef Rew ~.11.~-8 <br />--~'d A.--ra&-I ..-,"....Iut. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />'or p.rforming other duti.. aud a..umina oth.r r..poaailtiliti.. a. .., Ite ...i.... <br /> <br />Knowledll.e aud Skill Requlred <br /> <br />Tborouah knowledse of State and 'e'eral law. and Vill..e ordlnance. relate' to all <br />vill..e operatlon. aud .ervice. <br /> <br />Thorough knowledge of approva' pr1Dc1pla. and practica. of pbllc acIIdnbtratloa . <br /> <br />Abllity to establl.h and malntaln effectlve workiDg relation.hip. with maDber. of the <br />Council, heads of other Clty department., .and the general public <br /> <br />Thorough knowledge of the regulatlon. aud procedure. aD' practloe. relat1Dg to Couacl1 <br />proceediDg., and the caatodYaDd pub11catlon of officla1 doc....t. <br /> <br />Worklna knowledge of the prlnclple. of accounting <br /> <br />~11ity,to d..e1op oral and wrltten report I <br /> <br />~11ity to c~"'lcate clearly and concl.e1y through corre.pondence <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Ixtent of Supervblon or GuidaDce Provided <br /> <br />Supervbion 18 general ln nature frolD the of the 'ineace Co.u...lou, the lCayor <br />and the 1II8IIberl of the .111l18e COUDcil 011 the ba.b of ...aluatloa of re..lta <br />obtained <br /> <br />Po.itlon require. con.lderable latitude for tha axarclse of 1004 Ja4a..ut <br /> <br />Ita.ponaibility for Public Contact <br /> <br />A180.t continual contact wlth the ,.b11c or their r.pre.entatlve. requlrlaa a hiak <br />degree of competence ln tha axerclle of taot, d1plo"01, and courte.y <br /> <br />Sllparvbion of Othere <br /> <br />Direct 'llperY1a1on of cladcal elllployaa. ia the adala1.trativa dlvf.don <br /> <br />...robe of budsatary and fboal aoutroh over aotlvlUe. of other v11l..a dapart_U <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br />