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<br />Pass two - Counc! I Minutes - Decembor 26, 1967 - contlnusd <br /> <br /> <br />does not Include them; seconded by Councilman Olmen; motion carried. <br />&nriividual bonds in the amount of $1,000 on tho Clerk and Treasurer <br />arc to ba continued in addition to blanket bond, <br /> <br />.B.?solu'{'ion Commendi.!!.!'] Mayor Nethei.c.!!.:t <br />Counci tman Crepeau moved the adoption of a ResolUTion, as attached, <br />commending Mayor Nathercut for services to the Village and authorized <br />tho Clerk to havs a brass plaque made and added to the one in the Village <br />I Hal r former mayors; seconded by Councilman Olmen; motion carried. <br /> <br />Mayor Nethorcut thanked the Councl! .and expressed appreciation for the <br />sentiment; he stated that he has enjoyed the experience and working <br />with evoryone toward the sarno goal. <br /> <br />Sewor Extonslon Matter <br />Attorney courtney repor'~ed 'j'hat the ex-I'ens Jon of a sewer II na from <br />County Road 0 north on Lexington Avenue to service the Sollie lots <br />would foliow the procedure used for the extension of the County Road ~ <br />sower line. He In-10rmed the Counclf that he wi II follow through and <br />get a signed agreement from Mr. Sollie regarding the assessment and <br />the connection should be available by the end of the week. <br /> <br />Engineer Lund reported that the present est!mate of $1,600 is higher <br />than the quoted estimate of 11,050, because of the frost in the ground, <br />e-I-c. <br /> <br />Councilman Olmen moved thet Engineer Lund be authorized to chac~ for <br />lower bids and then to proceed with tho Improvement, subject to Atty. <br />Courtney's approval; seconded by Councilman Bjorndahl; motion carried. <br /> <br />REPORT Of ENGINEER LUND <br /> <br />~. improvement 67-1, ~ter Meters <br />Clerk Lorraine Stromquist read a letter, dated December 26, 1967, from <br />Engineer NOI.r.1an Henddckson conce,ning Viator mo'/"ars for this iml>rove- <br />ment. He I isted the number of meters and sizes which Ardon Hills wll! <br />probablY need for Improvement 67-1, and reported that Roseville has <br />offored to supply thesa-meters to us on condition that as each meter <br />is picked up, an ofdsr Is Immediately made to roplace It. This pro- <br />cedure would be a favo~ to us since it sometimes takes two to three <br />weeks to order. <br /> <br />Robert McNlesh. Chairman of the Wator Study Coromittee, was present and <br />stated that, according to the Ordinance, meters 2" or more in size <br />must be purchased by the ownor; ha submitted the names of three manu- <br />facturers who have acceptablo meters. He also stated that the~e mate~~ <br />must. be appi'oved by the Commissioner of Pub~ ic \'iorks, and suggested <br />assistance from Banister Engineering Company for adequacy. <br /> <br />The Counci I agreed to use Rosev! I Ie as one source of supply and re- <br />. quested Engineer Hendr'ickscn to submit a list of lnforma-/"ion needed <br />to determine the adequacy of meters to be used that are over 2" in <br />sTzG.. <br /> <br />Councilman Olmsn moved that Arden Kills purchase from the Badger Co. <br />tha meters as recommenced in Eng f neer Hendr I cl(son t s I ",otter; secondad <br />by Councilman Sjorndahl; motion carried. <br /> <br />Hater Pipe r.9JJJ!1~s <br />In response to Inquiry, Engineer Lund Informed the Council that most <br />of the water pipe breaks in tmprovement 67-1 were in one area along <br />County Road E. Tho Field Engineer had Informed Engineer Lund that <br />all kno~n feiluras have now bean fixed; tharo Bre two extensions to <br />be tested and then service will be available. <br /> <br />Councilman Olmon recommended sendinq a letter to all commercial and <br />industrial establishmonts in Improv~m8nt 67-1 that are dependent on <br />water to Inform tham that a break could shut off their water supply <br />until repaired; this situation shau~d be corrected as soon as tl1S <br />proposed tallk is COGs';'ruc'~od in -~h0 spring. Counci! rsforrad the matter <br />to Coullcil!nan Olnlsn and Er~g1neer Lund to chock with ~ngi1190r Hendrickson <br />on -rhe ma-;-ter. <br /> <br />-2- <br /> <br />- _____ - _u__ _._.__~. .- <br />