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<br />CouncIl Minutes - September 11,1967 - continued <br /> <br />REPORT OF TRUSTEE BJORNDAHL <br /> <br />Oak W II t <br />Dr. French has started the survey of Arden Hills for Oak Wilt <br />and Is also checking for Dutch Elm disease. <br /> <br />REPORT OF MAYOR NITHERCUT <br /> <br />... <br /> <br />Water Study CommIttee <br />CouncIl concurred with Mayor Nethercut's suggestion that the <br />Water Study Committee be officially commended for Its servIces. <br />Trustee Bjorndahl recommended that the CommIttee remain active <br />since several petItIons have been ,ecelved for extensions of a <br />municipal water system. <br /> <br />Fees for Fiscal AQent and EnQlneer re Water Improvement No. I <br />Clerk Stromquist ~as reques~ed to obtalnclarlf'c~tlon of the <br />FIscal Agent's fee schedule extending to a 10 year or 5 year period. <br /> <br />Trustee Hollenhorst moved acceptance of the Banister Engineering <br />proposal, for services In connection with Water Improvement 67-1 <br />as detailed In theIr letter of August 14, 1967; seconded by <br />Trustee Olmen; carrIed. <br /> <br />Control Data MeetlnQ <br />Mr. Burford of Control Data Co. has Invited the Council to visIt. <br />their Arden HII Is facilIty to discuss water needs, etc. Mayor <br />Nethercut wll I arrange a meetIng. <br /> <br />REPORT OF ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK LORRAINE STROMQUIST <br /> <br />Request to Sel I Christmas Trees <br />Council recommended that Mr. Stolp of 3235 North Lexington Ave., <br />securo approval from Immediate neighbors prior to Council action <br />on his request to sell Christmas trees. <br /> <br />County Proposal re Street LIQhtlnQ Policy <br />Clerk stromquist read a letter from Ramsey <br />proposed change In County lighting polley. <br />at next meeting of Ramsey County League of <br /> <br />County regarding a <br />Matter to be discussed <br />Municipalities. <br /> <br />VlllaQe Election <br />Affidavits of candidacy filings open at the Clerk's Office on <br />September 26, 1967 through October 10, 1967 for the annual Village <br />Election. Offices held by Mayor Robert Nethercut, Trustee ajorn- <br />dehl, Trustee Hollenhorst and Justice of Peace Douglas Bartbany <br />are open. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Voter ReQlstratlon <br />The last day for regIstration of yotArs Is October 17, 1967. As <br />requIred by law the V111age Ha~1 will be open from 9:00 a.m. to <br />9:00 p.m. on October 13, 16, and 17. <br /> <br />Bus Shelter <br />The request for a school bus shelter at 5436 North Lexington Ave. <br />has been withdrawn. <br /> <br />Request for Delay In Sewer Hook-up <br />Clerk StromquIst dIstrIbuted copies <br />and Mr. Bachman requestIng a delay. <br />the next CouncIl meeting. <br /> <br />of a letter from Mr. Lombard <br />Matter to be consIdered at <br /> <br />Bethel ColleQe Reauest <br />Trustee Bjorndahl moved approval of the request from Bethel <br />College to designate the street on the College Campus as Bethel <br />Drive; seconded by Trustee Olmen; carried. <br /> <br />Map of VlllaQe ~arks and PlaYQrounds <br />A new map has been prepared by Banister Engineering showing size <br />and locatIon of Village Parks and Playgrounds. It was noted that <br />the triangular tract at Old Snelling Avenue and County Road E should <br />be added to the map. <br /> <br />-.5- <br />