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<br />COJncd ""nutes - SepTembe'" Il, \967 - continued <br /> <br />Attorney Courtney informed the Council that in a tie vote, the <br />variance request would be denied. Attorney Courtney advised the <br />Counci I to Ignore the private agreement regarding the buffer zone <br />In arriving at a decision. <br /> <br />A discussion followed on possibility of changing the garage loca- <br />tion which might reduce the variance requested. <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />Mayor Nethercut moved that the matter be reconsidered at the <br />meeting of Septamber 25, at which time al I Council members would <br />be present; seconded by Trustee BJorndahl; carried. <br /> <br />Thrasher Variance Request - Case 67-26 <br />Councl I advised Mr. Thrasher that action on this request would be <br />delayed pending recommendation of the Board of Appeals and Plan- <br />ning CommIssion. <br /> <br />REPORT OF ENGINEER LUND <br /> <br />Village Hall Parking Lot <br />Engineer Lund reported that Attorney Courtney has found the bids <br />and bonds In order, that four bids were received - the lowest of <br />which was $1,760.00 by Hennepin Blacktopping, Inc. Trustee Olmen <br />moved accpetance of the bid of Hennepin Blacktopping, Inc. for <br />$1,760.00 and authorized Banister Engineering Company to prepare <br />the contract; seconded by Trustee BJorndahl; carried. <br /> <br />Drainage Survey <br />Engineer Lund reported on a letter of August 21,1967, from Milner <br />Carley r~iatlng to a drainage study for an area abutting Arden <br />Hills. Clerk Stromquist read Mr. Ostlund's letter of September I ~, <br />1967 re drainage of SEt Sec. 32-30-23. Engineer Lund to furnish <br />Vi Ilage with a copy of the letter for Village fi Ie. <br /> <br />Lake Johanna Outlet <br />Engineer Lund reported that detailed report of this problem could <br />be comp1eted by February 1968. The Council advised Engineer Lund <br />that he should first determine what procedure Is necessary to enjoin <br />neighboring villages, Conservation Department and Ramsey County in <br />the matter. No detailed engineering study shou~d be made at this <br />point. <br /> <br />REPORT OF TRUSTEE OLMEN <br /> <br />Krueqer Drainage Ditch <br />Trustee Olmen advised the Council that he feels this open ditch <br />Is a Village problem, that Mr. Krueger has agreed to cover and sod <br />the area If the Village piaces the required culvert in the area. <br />Trustee Olmen moved that the Village put in a culvert for the <br />distance necessary to adequately take care of the drainage (not <br />to exceed 115 feet). Village is to put In said pipe, Mr. Kr'ueger <br />to cover and sod area; seconded by Trustee Hollenhorst; carried. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />REPORT OF TRUSTEE HOLLENHORST <br /> <br />Trustee Hollenhorst reported that a representative of the State <br />Planning Commission observed the fast Planning Commission meeting. <br />He stated that Federal Funds were available for up to 50% of park <br />programs. Mr. Daie will send a representative to the Parks and <br />Recreation meeting of Sept. 12, to advise committee on procedure, <br />funds available, etc. <br /> <br />Tree Planting Ordinance <br />The Planning Commission reviewed the proposed ordinance, made sev- <br />eral recommendations and referred the matter of types of trees <br />to Parks and Recreation Committee <br /> <br />Recommendations fo~~a~~lng Commission Member <br />Trustee Hollenhorst submitted the fol lowing recommendations for <br />fil!ing the vacancy resulting from resignation of Bert Schutta: <br />Tom LaNasa, 3153 Shoreline Lane <br />Bob Woodburn, 1220 Ingerson Road <br />Bob McNlesh, 3447 Siems Court <br />Margaret North, 1136 Carlton Drive <br /> <br />jlm Kemper. 3535 Siems Court <br />L d ',l ~ S I e'i I ; ~ ;. S .~ ej-;I J. !.~ ~.J ;.' r . q -- <br />