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ARDEN HILLS SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION— SEPTEMBER 9, 2024 10 <br /> Tessia Melvin said the way this was costed out was that on January 1, everyone receives the <br /> COLA and then moves into the grid. Depending on how Council decides to implement it, <br /> everyone either moves to the step that is closest to their current pay or receives the new rate at <br /> their current step. Then, everyone would step up on anniversary dates. She admitted we are <br /> kicking the can down the road either way. With the labor market as it is, it will be favorable to <br /> have a pay grid that is competitive. The implementation can move. <br /> Councilmember Monson gave a hypothetical example and stated the employee wouldn't lose <br /> money but would appear that they lost tenure. <br /> Interim City Administrator Jagoe confirmed. She said Option 1 was calculated by taking an <br /> equal percentage for every employee for an increase. If someone was at Step 5 they might be Step <br /> 2 on the new scale. There were employees who went up steps because the way it was calculated, <br /> every employee to average 6%. For some employees the closest step to their current wage wasn't <br /> 6% so those employees stepped higher. If positions were reclassified to meet market, their step <br /> went down. There are variables in play that gets everyone to the average. <br /> Tessia Melvin stated direction from the former City Administrator was that everyone should get <br /> something. She states that Option 2 is equitable because it leaves everyone at their step. The <br /> employees that will get more than the 6%will be the positions that are reclassified. They will <br /> keep their step and they're getting a new grade. Those employees are moving horizontally and <br /> vertically on the grid. <br /> Councilmember Monson thinks the example that uses $125,000 could create a tenure issue if an <br /> employee is bumped lower. She wants to understand, in the second option that uses $155,000, <br /> how an employee stays at the same step. <br /> Interim City Administrator Jagoe clarified that, in the $155,000 option, an employee who is at <br /> Step 5 would move to Step 2. You retain that tenure step but it's still a drop of three. <br /> Councilmember Holden said no one is losing any money. The only thing happening is shifting <br /> the grid to allow three more steps. <br /> Mayor Grant clarified that employees will not receive a step increase on January 1 but rather on <br /> their anniversary. <br /> Tessia Melvin confirmed. The step increase will happen at the employee's anniversary. <br /> Councilmember Holden thought from the initial discussions, one of the reasons January 1 was <br /> selected was because it made it much easier to implement. Now you will have people on two <br /> different grids throughout the year. That was the reason Council chose January 1 to change the <br /> grid system. <br /> Mayor Grant said Council needs to land somewhere. <br /> Tessia Melvin summarized that she isn't hearing a decision has been made. She hears that the <br /> cost needs to come down from $155,000. She can come back with some options. She asked for <br /> direction on what should be changed so she can come back with more options. <br />