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ARDEN HILLS SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION— SEPTEMBER 9, 2024 4 <br /> Councilmember Fabel asked how much of the expenditure for this project is built into the 2025 <br /> budget numbers that will be discussed later in tonight's meeting. Finance Director Yang said the <br /> entire $475,000 is in there. <br /> Councilmember Fabel said his concern is one of the issues to be discussed later is the expansion <br /> of the Public Works Department, to include a full time Parks position. He believes that position is <br /> a higher priority than some of this equipment. He wondered if money could be transferred from <br /> the Capital Improvement Fund into the General Fund to cover that. Finance Director Yang <br /> confirmed. <br /> Councilmember Fabel said he is concerned about the Public Works position. He thinks that's <br /> important. <br /> Mayor Grant asked Councilmember Monson to provide a better understanding about what a <br /> nature-based playground is. <br /> Councilmember Monson said they are not a traditional playground structure. The ones she has <br /> seen are well built with a lot of investment. They can have streams and sand pits and rocks to <br /> climb and trees to build forts. She doesn't envision the City would have one that extensive. She is <br /> willing to explore the options because she just doesn't know what could be included on the City's <br /> budget. <br /> Mayor Grant asked what the useful life of a play structure is. <br /> Bryce Shearen said they should be programmed at 20 years. <br /> Councilmember Holden asked what parks are next in line to be improved. <br /> Public Works Director and City Engineer Swearingen replied Ingerson and Sampson in 2027 <br /> and Royal Hills in 2029. <br /> Councilmember Holden doesn't think Arden Oaks is the right location to have a nature-based <br /> playground. It has a lot of sun exposure. She thinks a location with more shade trees would be a <br /> better option. She said Sampson is a smaller park on two major pathways. She thought that might <br /> be a good location to consider. <br /> Councilmember Rousseau was hoping there would be a variation that included a ninja course. <br /> She didn't know if that might become outdated in a short time. She agrees that Arden Oaks is not <br /> the location to explore a nature-based playground. She thinks the residents selected Option 1 at <br /> Arden Oaks and that's probably a good choice for that location. She thinks Freeway Park is more <br /> of a destination park and it would be better to look at that location for a nature-based park, if one <br /> or the other of the current parks are to be considered. She thinks the two structures should be <br /> different colors because that's how kids will differentiate them. They will ask to go to the green <br /> park or the blue park. <br /> Councilmember Monson said she is comfortable with looking at Freeway Park as the option for <br /> a nature park. She has heard from residents that those two parks are so close in proximity, and <br /> they would prefer some variation. <br />