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ARDEN HILLS SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION— SEPTEMBER 23, 2024 10 <br /> Councilmember Monson said the JDA has had conversations with multiple stakeholders at the <br /> Army level. She cautions discussing what the Army will and will not allow. We don't have any <br /> indication from the decision makers that the answer is no. <br /> Mayor Grant said his understanding is you wouldn't have to use the geo-thermal on site. He said <br /> basically Xcel wants cities to show support indicating interest in having Xcel move forward with <br /> this type of project. It doesn't commit to any one city. <br /> Mike Wilhelmi confirmed. <br /> Councilmember Monson said she has a draft letter of support for Council to review. <br /> Mike Wilhelmi said there are couple deadlines. The sooner, the better. He doesn't anticipate <br /> there being a hearing on it until February. The current comment period closes this week. <br /> Councilmember Monson said if the Council determines we are in support, who will sign? <br /> Discussion ensued regarding the best way to route the letter for Council signatures and what <br /> meeting date it should be discussed. <br /> B. Adult Use Cannabis Moratorium Update <br /> Assistant to the City Administrator/City Clerk Hanson pointed to the memo containing basic <br /> preliminary items to consider. Staff is seeking direction regarding zoning for adult use cannabis. <br /> The Office of Cannabis Management (OCM) will start accepting applications for licenses January <br /> 1st. When they receive those applications, they reach out to the City to have the City sign off on <br /> the zoning. The application will work through all the steps with the OCM and then they direct <br /> applicants back to the City to complete a registration. The OCM licenses these businesses, the <br /> City will register them. <br /> Assistant to the City Administrator/City Clerk Hanson said any proposed zoning code <br /> amendments will have to go to the Planning Commission and then back to the City Council for <br /> final approval. Staff is seeking direction at this time about moving forward with zoning. <br /> Mayor Grant said that the mayors met and discussed this topic. Some cities have chosen to <br /> create an overlay zone showing where cannabis businesses could be. Other cities limit a certain <br /> distance from a school or daycare. He understands the City must allow at least one registration. <br /> The City can restrict the number of businesses but does not have to. <br /> Councilmember Holden asked if the definition of"school"means a K-12. Interim City <br /> Administrator Jagoe confirmed. <br /> Councilmember Rousseau asked if this is viewed as a stand-alone business or are they part of <br /> other businesses. <br /> Assistant to the City Administrator/City Clerk Hanson said Council can determine what type <br /> of business would be allowed and the location through zoning. <br /> Councilmember Rousseau asked who ensures the potency is accurate. <br />