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ARDEN HILLS SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION— SEPTEMBER 23, 2024 9 <br /> choice since they worked so hard to bring that preliminary levy amount down. She thought maybe <br /> it's a false public hearing if the prelim levy doesn't include it. <br /> Councilmember Holden disagrees. She said there has been an open house, it's been discussed, it <br /> was in the newsletter. The public hearing is the opportunity to explain that we are going to charge <br /> them the equivalent of a cup of coffee a month vs. $100 annually. <br /> Mayor Grant said it would be the opportunity to explain to residents what has transpired since <br /> the open house, share the information from Xcel and outline the plans,moving forward. He wants <br /> residents to know Council wants to hear from them. He said it's not a yes or no public hearing. <br /> Councilmember Monson said she is comfortable tailoring the public hearing that way. <br /> Councilmember Rousseau said it makes more sense to have a presentation that outlines why <br /> Council made the decision. <br /> Mayor Grant said any decision on a course of action should be included in Arden Hills Notes. <br /> Public engagement is important. He pointed out that residents will be getting a top-notch fire <br /> station in our community. <br /> Councilmember Holden said it can lower their ISO for home insurance because the response <br /> time will be significantly better. <br /> Councilmember Monson said Xcel Energy has to find ways to decarbonize their natural gas <br /> business. One of the ways they are doing that is pilot projects. One of the proposed projects is a <br /> district geo-thermal system estimated to be around $10 million. Rice Creek Commons is a <br /> fantastic opportunity. You have to win an RFP to get that investment into the community. She <br /> would like the Council to approve writing a letter of support to the Public Utilities Commission so <br /> they can get approval of that plan. That would allow the City to apply for that $10 million <br /> investment. <br /> Mayor Grant asked if that would decarbonize the natural gas. He asked if TCAAP has natural <br /> gas. <br /> Councilmember Monson said they are still focusing on all electric. This geo-thermal system <br /> would heat and cool a commercial or industrial building and around 100 residents. There is a <br /> score card for what that pilot project is looking for. Rice Creek Commons would be a great fit for <br /> that program. <br /> Discussion ensued regarding the geo-thermal system, if it would be allowed and whether it's a <br /> good fit for TCAAP or not. <br /> Councilmember Rousseau summarized that there is no commitment from the City. She said <br /> customers are already being charged to implement the pilot program. She stated Xcel is asking for <br /> a letter of support from different entities that they can take to the PUC to show support for the <br /> project. Mike Wilhelmi confirmed. <br /> Councilmember Rousseau said she supports it. Even if it doesn't end up in Arden Hills she <br /> thinks it's a good pilot program. <br />