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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—SEPTEMBER 9, 2024 9 <br /> Councilmember Monson thanked the applicant for his comments. She recommended the <br /> developer provide good access for pedestrians to and from this site in order to allow future tenants <br /> to access TCAAP. She inquired if the applicant had considered limiting access to Snelling <br /> Avenue. <br /> Mr. Fink indicated he had to respect the fact the church congregation would want continued <br /> access to Snelling Avenue. He explained he heard from the neighbors that they did not want <br /> increased traffic flow going southbound on Snelling Avenue. He reported at the intersection of the <br /> access drive with Snelling Avenue there is no control whether traffic goes right or left. He <br /> commented some modification could be made to the driveway curb in order to have making a <br /> right hand turn inconvenient. He stated he believed this was the best he could do. <br /> Councilmember Holden asked who owned the property at the access drive with Snelling <br /> Avenue. <br /> Mr. Fink reported this property was owned by the church. <br /> Councilmember Holden questioned how the City could require the developer to make <br /> improvements at this intersection as part of the PUD. <br /> Mr. Fink commented this could be done through the development agreement where specific <br /> offsite improvements could be listed. He noted he would demonstrate within his site plan what <br /> parking belongs to the church and what belongs to the new development. <br /> Councilmember Holden asked when a land use plan would be brought to the City. <br /> Mr. Fink reported this would occur yet this fall. He commented further on why he would be <br /> bringing this project forward in different steps, noting this had been on the advice of staff. <br /> Councilmember Holden questioned why staff advised the applicant to bring the project forward <br /> in steps. <br /> Interim City Administrator Jagoe commented after speaking with the applicant initially, she <br /> understood he was looking at going through incremental steps in order to gain feedback on the <br /> proposal in stages. She reported because the applicant did not have a full traffic study and <br /> stormwater management report done at this time, there were ways to get through the process in <br /> order to proceed with the land use approval. She indicated the Council could table action on the <br /> rezoning in order to consider the final plat with the rezoning, if there was concern about doing too <br /> much too soon. She explained the Council would then only have to consider the preliminary plat <br /> at this meeting if action on the rezoning were tabled. <br /> Councilmember Holden stated this made sense to her. She believed the City owed it to the <br /> residents in this area to tie the rezoning to an application. <br /> Mr. Fink explained he believed this made sense. <br /> Councilmember Monson questioned if tabling this item and the new timing would work for the <br /> applicant. <br />