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<br />REPORT OF TRUSTEE HOLLENHORST <br /> <br />None. <br /> <br />REPORT OF TRUSTEE CREPEAU <br /> <br />Publ ic Safq-ry Matters <br />Trustee Crepeau informed the Counci I that the speeding on Prior <br />Avenue had been checked by the P~lice Department. He reported <br />that i-he debr i s on Edgewater wi I I lie removed tomol"row. <br /> <br />REPORT OF TRUSTEE BJORNDAHL <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />farks and Recreation Committee Resiqnation <br />Trustee Bjorndahl read a letter addressed to H. Lagerstrom, <br />Chairman of the Committee, from Robert Knudson submitting his <br />resignation from the PBdestrian Trai I Committee because of in- <br />sufficient time to devote to the project. The Council commended <br />Mr. Knudson for the fine work done to date on this project. <br />Trusi-ee Bjorndahl informed the COllncil that the Committee will <br />make recommendations to tho Council for a replacement. <br /> <br />Oak Wi It ero ject <br />Trustee Bjorndahl informed the Counci I that )'he oak wi It crew <br />wi II notify the Vii lage office when they are ready to start <br />their survey. Dr. French is \1illlng to participate in a public <br />meeting after the survey is completed. <br /> <br />REPORT OF TRUSTEE OLMEN <br /> <br />None. <br /> <br />REPORT OF MAYOR NETHERCUT <br /> <br />Finance Commission <br />Mayor Nethercut requested counci I consideration for replacement <br />of Mrs. Nancy Blain on this Committee. <br />!iator improvernent_Pr..QJ2-S.!. <br />Copies of a letter, dated August 18,1967, from Reseville to <br />the Arden HII Is Council were distributed to the Counci I. The <br />letter stated Rosevil Ie's agreement to al low Arden Hi lis to pur- <br />chase wator from them and stated the terms of the agreement. <br />Includod with the letter was the Roseville - St. Paul Water <br />contract which would also be binding to Arden Hills. <br /> <br />Consultant Fees: Water Improvement No. 67-1 <br />Copies of a lettor from Banister Engineering Co. dated August 14, <br />1967, w'~re d i str i ~uted -;-0 members 0'( the Counc i I; -;-h i s letter <br />stated the foes the engineer would charge Arden Hi I Is for Water <br />Improvement No. 67-1. <br /> <br />A letter dated August 24, 1967, from Peterson & Popovich stated <br />their proposed charges and advised that the charges would be on <br />the same basis in which they handled previous improvements. <br />Ceunci I action to be taken on both proposals at a later date if <br />the services are needed. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />l.!!-~lL~f}ion__re \1ater I~rovement No. 67,.1 <br />Trustee Crepeau recommended that cleser inspection be given to <br />the pi acemoni- of the wa'i-er s-rubs than was given to the (sewor stubs <br />i-o 01 imi!l!]-ro -i-he many discrepancies \1hich eccurred wit~ the <br />sewel- s';.ubs. <br /> <br />REPORT OF ADMiNISTRATiVE CLERK LORRAINE STROMQUIST <br /> <br />~unday On-Sale ~iquor License <br />Trustoe Cropoau ~ovod approval of the applications for licenses <br />for Sunday On-Sale I iquor sales for the Big Ten Supper Club end <br />McGuire's Supper Club effective Auoust 16, 1967 and for Flaherty's <br />,'\I-den BO\'lI effeci-ive Augus-r 28, !967; m01'ion carried. <br /> <br />L()},!J)~n Avenue <br /> <br />Trustoo BJorndahl moved, secondod by Trustee Olmon to adopt <br />County Board Resolution 9-8777, as attoched, es~abiishing a <br />portion of Lexington Av~nua as a County State Aid Highway; motion <br />carried. <br /> <br />-3- <br />