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<br />~: .~'., ~,!!_i:,L~L:g_:: ':.'____, _"':~. <br /> <br />,~ 'I.:: : ':; ;:..' ,i <br /> <br />A1"1-orney COui-tney expia~ned i-ilG i)~ocodUl-O for' Essessino -~~1cl.t~ree <br />propDr"~y owna;s bene;'i+tGd by "~[li) sx-~cn5 on at 'i-;10 Coun~'\' Rand F <br />SG:~l'n1:~. Th:! co~,i- o'i" this pro,,:cc-f' 13 Lbou"l" t:(,?,jO_OO. lli-';'onl')Y <br />COU1-';-1l2,/ ; nformBcj 'i'he Ccunc I j ',-:~,~'~-t :;: -i-'..);~ l-eei::1 \ j il~J a ;:[,~Il \'::1 of <br />tho P lJ b! i C h'3 a f- i n 0 .;- r 0 I:; Mr. ~~ [1 (; '(' :~ ~ :-) C '.i i I ( S I) I n for mEn} i n (~ i- <br />L~nd fbr further aci"iorl. <br /> <br />P lJ b ] i c He u i-- i n ,,-. - ~'j' a "j' s r f) i. 0 icc~- <br />--_______. ___._.__.L__________ ..__._ _~..__ <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />f'J;c:yor t'.~Ed"h8rc'J"j" pl~Ds;;:n";-('d his ::;L;:;q')S''-~3d pr~(:.cO(!\;rLl for cC:Tlciuc"j- i ng <br />~"ho h021-ing -;~orrorl-OW ;li2htl' '"" ch ":3~; dgl~;)e;:hl-~;) w~th th2 C'ol.l:-icj'i <br />a:ld Attol~noy Couri"ney. <br /> <br />~~ayor Ne-~her(;'Jt expressed 6pr~GCiat;oI1 to We-i"or SilJdv Chsir'mnn <br />Robor"~ Mci~je5h and the Commj1'~-e6 for ~hc~r offor-~s. Cooi~s <br />of i-he ComMit';-ee's final report WG:-C di5~ribu~'ed to and' 2ccep1'od <br />by -i-he Counci I. <br /> <br />HI-ecl:0d Gars <br />fTa';i-or- Ne-.FEDr-=-c u "i- i nrornec! -i"hE: Courc i I i"hG";- he has "h:! 1 ked Vi j "iT;l the <br />fnQncgor of -;-tH;1 Ph i !' lip I s 66 S>lc ';~ i O;-j at H Ighua'lS e and 96 cor:-~ <br />earning ttlO tll-ecked car's on the pr'l)mJses; attar ci1ocl~ing agQln <br />Jas1" night ho found tho situ~"i"ioll i105 no1- inlprcvcd. TrlJS"tee <br />Crepeou repor-~ed that i-ho Poi 1(:0 Department ;185 a150 talked Wlttl <br />the mon~gQr Dild was told thDt tllOY 118VQ D Ifracl(cd car towing <br />sor'vice which involves IHHII infd the CDrs 1'"0 'j'ho pro!nis8s.~ cu.j"ti:1g <br />i-horn up and hau' i ng "j'-hOiil nV/ay. Thc,/ Cui! dispose of abou-t- four <br />car:=: a d~"\y, but -rh,;)'y' houl In nbou";' 51 x a day SD -~;1{;J cars on tho <br />pl-(;!r,is0S con"j"inLJaf;y ir;crt)aso. <br /> <br />Clerk Lorraine Stromquist informed +he Counci I that she had re- <br />c.)ived a verbal compiaint about this condi-~ion from Mrs. Marlys <br />lii:lble, 121 I P,mble Road. <br /> <br />Trust83 8jorndahl 'round in OrdinGfiCe No. 99" Soction 3: Subdivj!lll <br />sion 19, that auto wracking y~rds are one of the prohibited uses <br />in Arc/en Hi 115. Cled: Lo"ain(' Stromquist .-<"questod to ask~hc <br />owner of this station to 2ppcar E~' the l18Xt Counc~~ meetIng to <br />discuss this problem. <br /> <br />Condemnation Matters <br />Tn-respon5e-i~o-TrusToe Cr(lpEJ2U' s c~~pressed COnCGI-n regar'd j n9 the <br />pending condemnation ~atters, Ai"torney Courtney illfurmsd the <br />Councf I tilat the pr'ocoadings 3gcin!;i" the two places on Johanna <br />Boulevard and the property on Amblo Road arc beIng procBssed by <br />Attorney Sa II and. P,i--i-ornoy Sw II iln,,: has -rho l1eccs~;ary reportsrrom <br />Blii lding Inspector Clay Kof 18V> and .;-ho complain';'s [u-e l~eQdy for <br />i~,. I\olley's signa-j-ures; -;-h",so should be .-eceived \'Ii-;-hin a few <br />days. r\-i--j.orney Coul--j-ney t! i II c~ock \'Ii til Attorr,,,\, Sa i i and and <br />inform Clerk Lor,sine Stromquist. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Vi IlaQe Hall Parking Lot ~~';!n-i- <br />Clerk LorraIne Stromquist presented final plans and a notice of <br />advertisement for bids fo:- the Vi II<lge Hall porkil1g lot as <br />suomi-l"h3d from Engineer Lund. Trustee 1-101 ]enhcrs-;- moved to <br />approve the plans as submitted and ~uthorize 8enis~or Enginoering <br />Company i-o advertise for bids i-o be received Scp-;-ombGr 11,1967 <br />at 10:00 a.m.; seconded by Trustoe Crepeau; ~otion carried. <br />Clerk Stromquist WoS authorized to open the bids and to refer them <br />to the engins€r for tabuluting. <br /> <br />REPORT OF BUILDING lNSPECTOR CLAY KELLEY <br /> <br />Unfinished Rosidence <br />Mr. Kol (ey reported-rhat a bui Iding permit was issued Septomber <br />24, 1966 i-o John Canniff to bui Id a home at 3964 Glenvie'.J Avenue. <br />Tho Ord i nance states -rha-j. i -r shou i d have tho aooea,ance of a <br />-finished home wi-j'hin one YOur; no wOI~k \IIa~ ~'done on 1.I1:s house <br />to~ about 8 months. Mayor Netharcut expressed his opinion tha-r <br />~~r. CanniH is doillg quite \;IO~ I now iJnd requested I.j,. I<olley to <br />explain to him that he wil 1 have to roquest an cx"~er5ion of <br />tir.ilO from the Counci I and arso as;" him to ~ttond ";'he nex'i- <br />Coullci I meeting. <br />