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<br />Minutes of Council Meeting <br /> <br />';'5- <br /> <br />31 Aug. 1967 <br /> <br />outlet problems from Lake Johanna for at least five years. The <br />Administrative Clerk's office was requested to inform Rosevllle <br />that complete plans for the County Ditch 64 Improvement had not <br />been received ty the Village of Arden HIlls, and that the Village <br />of Arden HII Is has Dot approved these plans. Council will schedule <br />consideration of the plans for the August 14, 1967 Council meeting. <br />It was suggested that interested property owners by so Informed <br />and the County Engineer be Invited to attend the Council meeting. <br />Matter to be on the agenda for approximately 10 o'clock p.m. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />REPORT OF TRUSTEE CREPEAU <br /> <br />Letter of Appreciation <br /> <br />A letter of a-preclatlon from Mrs. Geo. Dean1was read complimenting <br />the Police Dept. on effIcIent aod courteous services recently <br />rendered. <br /> <br />Twin City Arsenal Strike <br /> <br />Trustee Crepeau com.mended the Arden HIlls Police Officers on <br />handling of traffic due to the current Twin City Arseaal strike. <br /> <br />REPORT OF TRUSTEE OLMEN <br /> <br />Previously covered. <br /> <br />REPORT OF TRUSTEE BJORNDAHL <br /> <br />Previously covered. <br /> <br />REPORT OF MAYOR NETHERCUT <br /> <br />Municipal Finance Officers Ass'n Meetlnq <br /> <br />Treasurer Worth Read was requested to attend a meeting of this <br />association on August 9, 1967. This meeting will be devoted to <br />bond rating discussions. <br /> <br />REPORT OF DEPUTY CLERK HONAN <br /> <br />State Hlqhway Llqhtlnq Plans <br /> <br />Trustee Olmen moved approval of State Highway lighting plans In <br />Arden Hills for the Interchange of T.H. 51 and County Road E; <br />seconded by Trustee Hollenhorst; motion carried. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Variance Request - Case 67-20 <br /> <br />Trustee Crepeau moved approval of the requested rear yard variance, <br />subject to approval of the Planning Commission; seconded by Trustee <br />Olmen; motion carried. Roger Moberg, Chairman of the Board of <br />Appeals, had called In their approval and stated that a written <br />report of approval wi II be forthcoming. <br /> <br />Variance Request - Caee No. 67-21 <br /> <br />Trustee Hollenhorst moved approval the request of a side yard <br />varIance, subject to approval of the Planning Commission; seconded <br />by Trustee Olmen; motion carried. The Board of Appeals ~ad called <br />In their approval and stated tha a written report of approval will <br />be forthcoming. <br /> <br />Preliminary Budaet for 1968 <br /> <br />Copies of the preliminary budget were distributed to the Council; <br />matter referred to the Finance Committee. <br /> <br />-5- <br />