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<br />Minuoes of Council MeetIng <br /> <br />-4- <br /> <br />31 Aug. 1967 <br /> <br />relatIng to the sale and consumption of IntoxIcating lIquors, to <br />authorIze granting of special licenses for sllle of liquor on <br />Sundays, and setting the license fee therefor; seconded by Trustee <br />Hollenhorst; motion carried. <br /> <br />The CouncIl authorized the Attorney to cause publIcation of thIs <br />notIce In the New BrIghton Bulletin on August 10, 1967. <br /> <br />PedestrIan Trail Ordinance <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />In his letter of July 31, 1967, Attorney Courtney advised that a <br />map showIng the route of the pedestrian trail should probably be <br />part of the Ordinance and that several clearances have not as yet <br />been obtained; final readIng should be delayed until these matters <br />are resolved. <br /> <br />Trustee BJorndahl moved that an Ordinance designatIng the Pedestrian <br />Trail, prohIbiting motorized travel thereon with certain exceptIons, <br />providIng for the posting of warnIng sIgns thereon, and provIding <br />penalties for violation thereof, be given its second readIng; <br />seconded by Trustee Crepeau; motion carried. <br /> <br />Oak WIlt OrdInance <br /> <br />Trustee BJorndahl Informed. the CouncIl that tentative schedules <br />Indicate that a survey of oak wi It should be conducted on or about <br />August 23, 1967. Flnald reading of the Oak Wilt Ordinance should <br />precede the survey date. Trustee BJorndahl also requested that <br />residents of the areas to be Included In the survey be Informed <br />prIor to this date. <br /> <br />Trustee BJorndahl moved that an OrdInance provIding for the <br />preventIon of oak wIlt tree dIsease In the Village of Arden Hills <br />and providing penalties for violation thereof; be Introduced by <br />tItle and gIven Its first reading; seconded by Trustee Hollenhorst; <br />carried. <br /> <br />Matter referred to Parks and RecreatIon Committee. <br /> <br />REPORT OF ENGINEER LUND <br /> <br />Red Fox Road <br /> <br />EngIneer Lund reported that he had advised Bituminous Roa~ways to <br />cease grading, etc. of Red Fox Road. Apparently the depth and <br />quality of gravel Is less than Indicated by Roberts Development <br />at the July 10, 1967 Council meeting. EngIneer Lund was requested <br />to contact C. Lund of Roberts' Development Co. on the matter. If <br />Roberts' Development Co. furnIshes requIred amount and quality of <br />gravel, temporary Improvement of the road will proceed as outlined <br />In July 10, 1966 Council meetIng. If necessary gravel Is not <br />furnished, Council suggested that ~he authorized $700.00 be spent <br />for oilIng, etc. and that the road be posted for three-ton limIt. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Villa~e Hall ParklnQ Lot <br /> <br />Engineer Lund reported that he will check on status of this pending <br />Improvement. <br /> <br />lIft StatIon TelemeterinQ ServIce <br /> <br />Engineer Lund reported that the "hook up" to Ramsey County Sheriff's <br />office Should be completed this week. <br /> <br />County Ditch No.4 <br /> <br />r!A!)IA8ar Ll:Jud ropartee eA l3F'e~os9d 1"~~9"9meRt sf CgYRt.,. Dltst;t I~. <br />Engineer Lund reported on proposed Improvement of County Ditch 14. <br />Trustee Crepeau stated that the County Engineer anticIpated no <br /> <br />-4- <br />