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<br />MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, July 10, 1967, continued <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />Arden HIlls 13 Beach Association ComplaInt <br />EngIneer lund reported that he had Inspected the Arden HIlls <br />13 beach area and the natural draInage dItch area between <br />lake Josephine and Lake Johanna. The water In lake JosephIne <br />Is green; water In the swamp area, thru whIch the natural drain- <br />age ditch flows, Is very green; the flow from lake JosephIne <br />to Lake Johanna was quIte rapId. These condItIons account for <br />the concentration of green water In the Arden HIlls 13 Beach <br />area. The recent Lambros ditch Improvement has no bearIng on <br />the matter. Trustee Crepeau commented that the publIc beach <br />on Lake Johanna has been green recently and he felt thIs was <br />caused by algae. It was recommended that the Beach AssociatIon <br />contact the Conservation Department for permis~lon and advIce <br />on chemical treatment. <br /> <br />REPORT OF TRUSTEE HOlLENHORST <br /> <br />New BrlQhton RezonlnQ <br />The Village of New BrIghton has InvIted the VIllage of Arden <br />HIlls to attend a hea~lng on July 18, 1967 concernIng the re- <br />zonIng to multIple family d.elllngs on a New BrIghton tract of <br />land at Old HIghway 18 and Highway 96. Matter referred to the <br />Planning CommIssIon. <br /> <br />Ryal's VarIance ReQuest - Case 67-13 <br />Trustee BJorndahl moved approval of the Ryal's varIance request <br />as recommended by the Board of Appeals and the Planning CommissIon; <br />seconded by Trustee Olmen; carrIed. <br /> <br />REPORT OF TRUSTEE CREPEAU <br /> <br />None. <br /> <br />REPORT OF TRUSTEE BJORNOAHL <br /> <br />None. <br /> <br />REPORT OF TRUSTEE OLMEN <br /> <br />None. <br /> <br />REPORT OF MAYOR NETHERCUT <br /> <br />Dutch Elm Disease <br />The questIonnaIre on Dutch Elm dIsease from the Department of <br />AgrIculture was referred to the Parks and RecreatIon CommIttee. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Water Study CommIttee <br />Mayor Nethercut expressed apprecIation to members of the Water <br />Study Committee <br /> <br />Resolution of ApprecIatIon <br />The CouncIl requested Attorney Courtney to prepare a formal <br />resolutIon of appreciatIon to Fay Kennedy a"~ 1i___I,t1uu "I1Io,"be&s <br />for ~efforts on the Metro TransIt CommIssion. <br /> <br />Metro TransIt CommIssIon <br />Mayor Nethercut reported that he wll' represent the VIllage of <br />Arden HIlls on July 13, 1967 to select three nomInees for the <br />posItIon of CommIssioner to represent Ramsey County on the newly <br />created MetropolItan TransIt CommIssIon. <br /> <br />REPORT OF ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK STROMQUIST <br /> <br />lIcense ApplicatIons <br />Trustee Crepeau moved approval of CIgarette lIcense to CIgarette <br />Sales Company and of RubbIsh Haulers' Ileenses for Gallagher <br />ServIce, Inc and J. and W. Pickup ServIce, subject to Health <br />OffIcer's approval; seconded by Trustee BJorndahl; carried. <br /> <br />RubbIsh PIckup ComplaInt . <br />AdmInistratIve Clerk Stromquist reported that Suburban <br />apprecIated notifIcatIon of complaInts and wll.1 try to <br />them. <br /> <br />Pickup <br />eliminate <br /> <br />-,,- <br /> <br />~- ------ <br />