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<br />MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, July la, 1967 - continued <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />Time, Inc. group Insurance plan subject to the attorney's <br />opinIon of the plan; seconded by Trustee BJorndahl; carrIed. <br /> <br />Vllla~e Responslbllltv Resulting from Plan Approval <br />Trustee Hollenhorst requested that Attorney Courtney advise <br />the Council relative to Village responsibility resulting from <br />building plan approval. <br /> <br />ENGINEER LUND'S REPORT <br /> <br />Burled Cable under Grav Fox Road <br />EngIneer Lund recommended approval of N. W. Bell Telephone <br />Company's request to construct burled cable under Gray Fox Road. <br />Trustee BJorndahl moved approval of the application detaIled <br />In attached sketch; seconded by Trustee Olmen; carrIed. <br /> <br />Lighting Plans - T.H. 51 and Countv Road E <br />Administrative Clerk Stromquist read Banister Engineering Co. <br />letter of July la, 1967. No lights are shown at County Road E <br />and Hamllne Avenue and the single standard at Connelly Avenue <br />and County Road E appear Inadequate. <br /> <br />Trustee Crepeau moved that the Counc II reques.t the State Highway <br />Department to consider the changes recommended by the VIllage <br />EngIneer; seconded by Trustee BJorndahl; carried. <br /> <br />Red Fox Road <br />EngIneer Donald Lund reported that an estimated cost of $700 <br />(covering the regradIng, crowning, oiling and Installing of a <br />culvert on Red Fox Roadl should provIde a temporary road for <br />lIght vehicular traffic. Additional oIlIng and grading main- <br />tenance by Village Maintenance Department would be requIred. <br />Engineer Lund was requested to determine a reasonable load limit <br />for the temporary road. Trustee Olmen moved authorization of <br />thIs work on Red Fox Road and also mOved that the road be posted <br />for load lImit, to be determined by EngIneer Lund; seconded by <br />Trustee Crepeau; carrIed. <br /> <br />Telemeterlng Svstem <br />EngIneer Lund reported that the Sheriff's offIce connectIon to <br />the Village system will be completed when necessary new equip- <br />ment Is Installed at the sherIff's station. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Grav Fox Road and Dunlap Street <br />Engineer Lund reported that Roberts Development Company has been <br />advised of the VIllage requirements for acceptance of Gray Fox <br />Road and Dunlap Street as Village straets. <br /> <br />AdminIstrative Clerk Stromquist was requested to write Roberts <br />Development Company on this matter and to Include a copy of the <br />former letter, dated 3/30/67 to Roberts, whIch detaIled VIllage <br />requirements for acceptance of streets. <br /> <br />Gazelka Request for Sewer and Gas <br />Engineer Lund was requested to consult orally with Mr. Gazelka <br />relative to his letter of June 29. 1967. <br /> <br />Feaslbllltv Report for Water Improvement In Arden Hills 13 <br />Engineer Lund submitted copIes of a feasibility report for a <br />water Improvement In Arden HIlls 13. Estimated cost of the <br />project Is $52,700.rO which Includes $18,000.00 for street <br />repairs. A copy of the report was submitted to the Water Study <br />CommIttee for comment. <br /> <br />Amble Road <br />AdmInistrative Clerk StromquIst read a letter from Banister Engin- <br />eering detailing several alternatives for Impoovlng Amble Road. <br />Council requested that the Administrative Clerk advise resIdents <br />of alternatives and Include a copy of the Banister letter of <br />July 10, 1967. <br /> <br />-3- <br />