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<br />Mlnut s of Regu~ar COUi1CiJ Meeting - June 12, t967 - continued <br /> <br />Hed F x R08d <br />Clerk L~ine S-;TOrdCjl:1S-;- read '-1 let~re,~ dated 24 ~1ay 1967~ <br />Cf fff Lund; Rober-;.s Cons'h~uc-j-jon Co~, copies 0'( '}-his letter <br />-i-o Co no;! members, Vi 1 !age f\ttornsy and \Ii IIage Engineer. <br />1 e'i'i-e req lIE>S -,-ed the Vii i age -1-0 .ternpora r i j Y i mprovG Red Fox <br />uni'11 'rne COUrl'1'y pi iJns a II 0\1 i mpl-ovement in 1968. <br /> <br />from <br />were <br />This <br />Road <br /> <br />senT <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Engin or Don Lund reported that since Roberts Construction Company <br />has already placed 10" of gravel on this I-oad, oiling would help <br />the situation, if the r05d is properly graded. He informed the <br />Council 'chaT he had talked wdh Mr. Snyker, Ramsey County Engineer's <br />offic, end was told 1'1131- i-he Village ~'ou!d be cr€dited for \!lark done. <br /> <br />Counc i J l~e10rl"0d -;-he mati"ei- -ro Ellg i neer Lund to determi ne what ~~"" <br />could bc done, an eSTimate of th0 job and also confirmation from <br />the C ullty of cr~dlt. <br /> <br />Larso -Schack.r Drainaqe Matter <br />Eng;n,er Lund repol--;'edthat the estimate tor i'his project \;85 undel" <br />$2,00 .00; however: he received a bid frOM Rosetown Sanitat10n in <br />the anount of 12,306.00. <br /> <br /> <br />Trust e Dlmen moved the Engineer prepare plans and specifications <br />and a vert'se for bids; seconded by Trustee Hollenhorst; motion <br /> <br />cal-I- i-a_ <br /> <br />~ <br />Lake - Oraina~e Mattor <br />,,-,~--- <br />Engin er Lund submit"~ed cost eSYlmareS fOI~ two different plarls for <br />solving this problem. Plan A would cover i-he ani-ire ditch at a <br />cost f $12,300; Plan B would cover 250 feet of the ditch from <br />i ngarson Road i'o I ngerson Court. Tf'l!stoe. Bjc;rndah I j nformed -rho <br />Council that the residents would I lite to meet on the matter, ~nd <br />requested ';'he pe r'ce~i'age -'1'0 be pa i d by i'ho Vi! I "'gs and the amount <br />i'o be css.essed. <br /> <br />Tr-us'!'ee Olmen Ir.'cormad ihs Counci I thai' i-he Publ ic \Vorl,s Commii'i'ee <br />previously fait thai' the cost of the project should be IOOS'assessed; <br />thel-e are ma~y similar situatio~5 in the Village and a precedent <br />~J i I! b'a se-j-. <br /> <br />Counci' j"'cfej~red ";"he matter ~j~o the Public ~'}oi~ks Ccmmi-j"'-j-ee; Trustea <br />Bjcrndah! reques-tod to attend this meetIng whlch witt .be held next <br />week, <br /> <br />Couni.~ Road F Sewor <br />Engineer Lund i~epc;r:-";-ed that he h6S -i-ho assessmenT rol! pl~epar-ed fOI~ <br />the scv:er irts.:-aj la.;-Ion fCI- ~i-he -h'iO fO";"S on County Road F, but nON <br />8 third proper~"y ownor across tllS s.~re8"~ tias requestod service and <br />possibly i"his assessmen1- shoutd he considered on t~e ro't. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />AttorJl~V COul~tn0v reported that h6 has sufficieni" information to <br />prepar"J~I'e R05oiutlon, bu1- also recommended a detay. The cost of <br />-I-his pl-esen-r improvement is $T,511~OO~ .0-;" v,'hich $jl'~,60~OO is to be <br />assessed. Trustee Crepeau moved to witilhotd Council actloll and <br />n;:;-rerl-....d ~i.he rlla-;nh31~ to Er:q i n0er Lund to s-;-edy the feas j bit i -rv o"f <br />including -;-:-:0 "i-h;r~c! pai--;-y'"'flnd -;-() pi~\")PLH'O ano~;-hEH- QSSGssmcn";" ~"(')tJ 1";: <br />neCG5S~ry; seconded by Trus~-ee Cjor/ldDhi; moi"jc~ c~rrled. <br /> <br />Se\(!?j" ~(:rr-c Contr8c-;- <br />Encins":;l'" !"ull"d df~~""h~~ibl.1i'ec COp;~?5 of "j"he Banister Repor-f on -l~he <br />St: Pau I -Rosev 11 f (; Pl-opcsed Sfj','IGr :-2-:"(-;1 contract; r.e noted ";~he,t S'j-. <br />Pauf h s no-:- 1ncl u(lod af ~ 0"; !\j,jen Hi f Is in their Rosoiutfon alloi";"' <br />jng dr..1inag"j into 5'1", PDul. <br /> <br />COli..n-i~y Ai ";-ctL..:.~Q.~!i <br />Mayor ~ethe~cut reported that i'wo te"~tal-s ~2re received concerning <br />"~h8 im~rOV8men"~ 0; this ditch. One tetter from Don Reioux~ 3209 <br />Shorew)od Drive~ l istsd qLl0stions dir'eC"~8d i"o R6tnsey County EnginGsr <br />conce~1Ii1g -i-his P~QJGct; -~h0 second OGS fl-om C~ G. Germaij), 3203 <br /> <br />,..3-... <br />