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<br />Minu-/-es of Regular COllnei I i!'oeting - June 12, 1967 - con-,-inued <br /> <br />Trustee Crepeau Informed the Council that It appears therewil I <br />be about 15 j ights at this interchange. <br /> <br />Mr. Salitros checked the plans and recommended that the Vi llage <br />request a light be Insta! led at County Road E and Haml Ine Avenue; <br />this does not appear on the plans. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Fire Chief's Convention <br />Trustee Crepeau and Officer Fish attended this convention today. <br /> <br />I.ransfol- of Vii I age Phone <br />Trustee Crepeau Informed the Counel I that the phone from the <br />storage building on New Brighton Road is being transferred to the <br />recently purchased building on the Heiman property on Lexington <br />Avenue; the telephone number wi II be ch~nged to 484-8300 but if the <br />old number is called the telephone company will automatically switch <br />the cml I to the new number unti I the next telephone directory is <br />pub lis hed . <br /> <br />REPORT OF TRUSTEE BJORNDAHl <br /> <br />\. Valentine Lake Paj-k <br />i. Trustee BJomdah I i n-!ormed the CO~jnc i I that Cyr i I Sheehy, 1505 <br />\Edgewater Avenue, donated curbing for the parking area of this park <br />pnd thay have already been instal led. At Trustee Sjorndahl's <br />request, the Council asked the maintenance department to Install a <br />stop sign at the exit onto County Road F. <br /> <br />He i man Proper'~v <br />Trustee 8jorndahl reported that last Thursday and Friday six <br />buildings were demol ished on this property; one basement is to be <br />used for vi Ilage storage. This baS8ment \IIi II be capped. The <br />rubble from the demol ition will be removrid as soon as weather permits. <br />One building was rat Infested so poison was placed In the building <br />before demolition. <br /> <br />Garden Areas <br />The garden at Ingerson Road and Ingerson Court being developed by <br />the area garden club is Coming along nicely. The Village hauled in <br />sufficient dirt to raise the area and 50 me permanent planting has <br />been done. <br /> <br />The Girl Scouts have planted an area in the triangle at Old Snei ling <br />and County Road E. <br /> <br />The State Highway denied permission to the Vi I lage to place an <br />en,crance s1gn on '(heir PI-OP(,14-;-y at Snelling and T. H. 5!. <br /> <br />REPORT OF TRUSTEE OLMEN <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Trustee Olmen reported that the Pubi Ie Works will hold their meeting <br />t1o)<t ~1eek. <br /> <br />Trustee Olmen repcrted that we wi) I purchase brooms for the Vi Ilage <br />of St. Anthony to replace those vorn out sweeping streets in the <br />VI Ilago of Arden Hi lis. <br /> <br />REPORT OF BUILDING INSPECTOR CLAY KELLEY <br /> <br />A writ~en report was SUb!1itted by Mr. Kelley and wil I be submitted <br />to the Counc i t a"t- The j r next mae-;- i ng ~ <br /> <br />REPORT OF MAYOR NETHERCUT <br /> <br />Me-r I-CpO I i '!:.~I!.__Cc uno_L!.. <br />Mevor Nethercut received a ieti"er ii-om Governor LeVander requesting <br />re~omlnendaticns to this counci I~ T_he Governor lntends .to appoint <br />-.-h9 Chainn271 by July I, and 'l-hG 14 membei-s by August I. Arden Hills <br />is in Disfi~;ct #3. <br /> <br />I\udit Ri2,POi-)- <br />COpi05 of the alJdf-i- rep..)';-;- 0-1" I966 Vi f raga f'\cco!.lni~s \'J(~re given to <br />the COllne!l and referred to the Finance Committee foY" their meatfng <br /> <br />i"his Thursd~jY. <br /> <br />-6-, <br />