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<br />. <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />., <br /> <br />Minutes of Regula~ C9uncll Meeting -~une 26, 1967 - contInued <br /> <br />Little Lakes Little LeaQue <br />Trustee BJorndahl Informed the Council thst <br />Lesgue has requested $67.50, 75 Arden Hills <br />.90' per boy, The Committee recommended this <br />~'n the bUdget,be paid. <br /> <br />" <br />, <br />the Little Lskes Little <br />boys participating at <br />~mount, which Is In~luded <br /> <br />Mlleaqe Rate - Maintenance <br />Trustee BJornd<Jh I moved, seconded by TrusteeHHo I I enhorst, that 10' <br />per mile be palA to the part-time employee for the Parks Department <br />while hauling the trailer with his personal car; motion carried. <br /> <br />Trustee Hollenhorst ststed his concern sbout Insursnce coversge; <br />matter referred to Clerk. <br /> <br />.REPORT OF TRUSTEEULMEN <br /> <br />Lsmbros Matter <br />Trustee Olmen reported that the Public Works CommIttee sgrees with <br />Shorevlew's propossl regsrdlng the financIng of the Lambros drslnsge <br />project, but belIeves more Vlllsges should be Involved. not onlv <br />Shorevlew. Rosevllle and Arden Hil" Mayor Nethercut recommended, C <br />'councIl concurred, thitt s meeting be arranged with Council representa.. <br />tion ~nd the respectIve engineers from the three vlllages sbove &8Q- <br />tloned plus New Brighton. Clerk to ask Don Lund to determine <br />date for such meetln~. <br /> <br />REPORT OF MAYOR NETHERCUT <br /> <br />Flnsnce Committee MeetlnQ <br />Msyor Nethercut reported t~the Comm~ttee will hsve recommendations <br />regardIng the audit report the next'~~m.etlng. The <br />Committee approved the long rsnge expenditure form as prepared by <br />Worth Resd whIch provided for s five yesr projection of department <br />expenditures. <br /> <br />Dynscsst BulldlnQ PermIt Request <br />Trustee Hollenhorst moved, seconded by Trustee Crepeau, thst <br />building plsns requested by Eugene Colestock to cover sn open <br />psssagewsy between two of his buildings be approved, subject to <br />submission of his plans to the Plsnnlng Commission and Its approvsl; <br />motion csrrled. ' <br /> <br />~etro-SQctjon M&etlna <br />The Council deslgnsted Trustee Hollenhorst to represent the Council <br />st s meeting to be held this Thursdsy evening. <br /> <br />REPORT OF ADMINISTRATiVE CLERK LORRAiNE STROMQUIST <br /> <br />Rubbish Hsulers' license renewsls <br />Clerk reported that four applicants hsve requested rubbish snd gsr- <br />bsge license renewals; Dr. Fsrkas, Village Health Officer, hss <br />checked and spproved three of them. Trustee Crepesu moved to grsnt <br />approvsl of licensing the following rubbiSh snd gsrbsge hsulers: <br />Fridley Sanitation Service, Inc. <br />Suburbsn Pick-up Service <br />Rubbish Removal, Inc. <br />J. and W. Pickup Service, subject to spprovsl of the Heslth <br />Officer; seconded by Trustee Olmen; motion csrrled. <br /> <br />Grey Fox Rosd and Dunlap Street <br />Clerk Lorrslne Stromquist Informed the Council regarding the ststus <br />of these two streets. She had contacted John Dsubney and was told <br />that he Is working with the Stste Hlghwsy Department concerning Grey <br />Fox Rosd and the streets should be resdy for Vlllsge acceptance <br />before the end of the year. Council requested the Clerk to check <br />with Engineer Lund regarding the engineering problem. <br /> <br />Clerk and Finance Officers' Meetlno <br />Council authorized the Clerk and Deputy Clerk to attend s meeting <br />to be held this Wednesday st the Chslet regsrdlng the ssles tax snd <br />Its effect on munlclpslltles. <br /> <br />Claims <br />Trustee BJorndahl moved, seconded by Trustee Olmen, that the clslms <br />-5- <br />