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<br />. . <br /> <br />MInutes of Regular CouncIl MeetIng - May 8, 1967 - contInued <br /> <br />CommIssion on May 8, 1967 (polling of members), allowIng <br />Jerry Stafford, Park RegIon Development Corporation, to <br />locate a house on Lot 15, Block 28, Shorewood Hills No.5, <br />30 ft. from the front lot line Instead of the requIred 40 ft.; <br />seconded by Trustee Crepeau; motion Carried. <br />3. Case No. 67-8 - Front Yard VarIance : <br />A. J. Wllwerdlng, 3966 Glenvlew Avenue, appeared earlier durIng <br />thIs meeting objectIng to approval of this variance. Robert <br />E. Bergerud, owner of Lot 17, Block 5, Shorewood Hills, re- <br />quested a varIance to locate the garage to hIs proposed house <br />. 32 ft. from the front yard line Instqad of the required 40 <br />feet. The Board of Appeals recommended approval of this request <br />on April 23, 1967; the PlannIng CommIssion recommended denial <br />on May 2, 1967. Trustee Hollenhorst moved the request be de- <br />nied; seconded by Trustee Crepeau; motIon carrIed. <br />4. Case No. 67-7 - Tiller Lane <br />Trustee Hollenhorst moved approval of a sIde lot variance to <br />permit George P. Bloom to locate a house on Lot 5, Block 7, <br />JosephIne HIlls No.2, ten feet from each side lot line; recom- <br />mendatIons for approval were received from the Board of Appeals <br />on April 23, 1967, and from the Planning Commission on May 2, <br />1967; seconded by Trustee Crepeau; motIon carrIed. <br />License Renewal <br />Trustee Crepeau moved, seconded by Trustee Hollenhorst, that a license <br />to sell cigarettes be granted the Texaco ServIce StatIon at 1261 West <br />County Road E. MotIon carried. <br /> <br />Delinquent Licenses <br />DIscussion was held about lIcense delinquencies. It was decided by the <br />Council that after January 15, 1968, violators should be penalIzed accord- <br />Ing to the OrdInance. <br /> <br />Proposed Budqets for 1968 <br />Clerk Lorraine StromquIst submItted a Budget preparation calendar for the <br />annual 1968 Village Budget and Tax Levy. The budget requests are to be <br />submItted to Clerk Stromquist by July I, which Is one month earlIer than <br />previous years. <br /> <br />Employee SalarIes <br />Mayor Nethercut stated that the CouncIl will work as a unIt on proposed <br />salarIes for VIllage employees. A meeting wll I be called wIthIn the next <br />month. Frank Stanton of Stanton Associates may be requested to aCT as a <br />consultant to the CouncIl. <br /> <br />Monthlv BudQet Reports <br />Clerk distributed copies of the monthly budget reports and Informed the <br />Council that the FInancIal Statement has not boen received from the New <br />Brighton BulletIn. <br /> <br />A<ljournment <br />MeetIng was adjourned at 11:00 p.m. <br /> <br />.~~~--, <br /> <br />Robert E. Nethercut <br />Mayor <br /> <br />L. - -:it;;;, '1-" ~ <br /> <br />Lorraine Stromquist -7 <br />Admfnlstra~lve Clerk ?/ <br /> <br />-5... <br />