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<br />Counci I Mea-,-ing Mindes - I\pri I 24, 1967 - continued <br /> <br />red-tagged. This h0use is being constructed by the Park Region Develop- <br />ment Company and was started before the building permit was Issued. Mr. <br />Kelley informed tho Council that the house is located 30' back from the front <br />lot I ine instead of 40' as required by the Ordinance, although there is <br />amp I e toom fOT com" I i ance. Clerk Lorra I ne Stromqu I st stated that a <br />variance has been ;rppl led for, 'i-he Board of Appeals has submitted thel r <br />recommendation and the matter will now be referred to fhe Planning <br />Commission for thoir recommendation. Mr. Kel ley Informed the Council <br />that construction has been halted pending the Council's decision; he <br />recommends that tIe Counci I receive approval from al I the home owners on <br />the street before granting this variance. <br /> <br />. County Road F a!}J Lex I nqton Odor <br />Mr. Kelley repo.ted that there is no apparent odor at this location at <br />this time. <br /> <br />Request for Sracial Use Permit <br />Mr Kelley reported that Stewart Lumber Company is requesting a special use <br />permit to corstruct a wood preservative plant on Highway #8 on the property <br />on which thel are now located. The necessary forms are to be completed <br />and s u bm i ti" d . <br /> <br />Annual Rep,rt <br />Mr. Kelley gave the Bui Iding Inspector's Annual Report as required under <br />the new odinance. He Informed the Council that 1966 was a rather slow <br />year wit' only 40 permits Issued; the average home valuation was $26,000 <br />which I~ In keeping with the other homes in the Vii lage. <br /> <br />He has no recommendation concerning the new bui Iding code as <br />been ,~ effect a sufficient length of time as of this date. <br />thett Is much stronger than our previous code. <br /> <br />It hasn't <br />He did state <br /> <br />He ,"ported that he would recommend Immediate action be taken on matters <br />of and em nation, citing the problem with the Circle S Ranch. Mr. Kel ley <br />inf~rmed the Council that a house on Johanna Blvd., in his opinion, should <br />ba condemned; he will report further on this after he completes his study. <br />H, is not sure if he has full authority regarding valuation on propesed <br />cJndemnations, but beiieves that the $25.00 charged by an F.H.A appraiser <br />'Quid be money well spent. He will check with Attorney Salland on this <br />matter. <br /> <br />Mr. Kelley also reported that junked cars are a problem and this Is covered <br />In the new ordinance; there are about 15 junked cars in three locations <br />in the Vi Ilage. <br /> <br />Ht) I n formed the Counc II that he w II I have a more comp rehens I ve report next <br />year after the new ordinance has been In effect a full year. A copy of <br />Hr. Kelley's written report will be on fi Ie. <br /> <br />REPORT OF TRUSTEE HOLLENHORST <br /> <br />Subjects already covered. <br /> <br />REPORT OF TRUSTEE CREPEAU <br /> <br />ITraffiC Contr..2..!.. <br />Trustee Crepeau submitted a le).ter, dated 13 April /967, from the District <br />Traffic Engineer of the State Highway Department which gave the statistics <br />regardIng accidents at the Intersection of Highway 10 and 96. He stated <br />that funds have been tentatively provided for the revision of the existing <br />signals to include left turn arrows for Highway 10 traffic, hoping that <br />this will eliminate the number of accidents at this Intersection. <br /> <br />The request for stop signs at Crystal and Del Ivlew Avenues and at Crystal <br />and Falrvlew Avenues was referred to the Public Safety Committee for study <br />and recommendation. <br /> <br />-5- <br />