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<br />Counci I Meeting Minutes - April 24, 1967 - continued <br /> <br />request of one of the owners. Clerk Lorraine Stromquist informed the Council r <br />that the property has already been assessed $3.10, which leaves a balance <br />of 56.90. Council requested Clerk Lorraine Stromquist to submit Information <br />to Attorney Courtney; Attorney Courtney requested to write to the two <br />property owners regarding the assessment. <br /> <br />Proposed Valentine Lake View Plat. <br />Attorney Courtney submitted to Clerk Lorraine Stromquist the title opinion <br />regarding this proposed plat. He reported that O. J. Husby and Sons is <br />listed as the owner; Gale Hendrickson, applicant for the platting, Is not <br />listed as an owner. <br /> <br />~Clerk Lorraine StromquIst will check the plat for compliance with the new <br />Ordinance, and send copies to Banister EngIneering Company and the utilIties <br />companies, (Attorney Courtney took his copy), as outlined in the Ordinance; <br />two copies wIll also be submitted to the Planning Commission for their con- <br />sideratIon. <br /> <br />Attorney Courtney informed the Councl I that ~ere Is an N.S.P. easement on <br />record; this easement Is located on the north line of the property. Attor- <br />ney will check with N.S.P: <br /> <br />Fernwood Avenue Tax Abatement <br />Attorney Courtney submitted to Clerk Lorraine StromquIst the application <br />which Is to be signed and returned to him requesting the abatement of taxes <br />on Fernwood Avenue. <br /> <br />Trustee Crepeau moved approval of the petition for the abatement of taxes <br />on Fernwood Avenue and authorized the Clerk to sIgn semel seconded by <br />Trustee Hollenhorst; motion carried. <br /> <br />Pedestrian Trail <br />Attorney Courtney covered this subject In h!s written report to the Council, <br />dated 24 April 1967. He reported that in his conversation with representa- <br />tives from Bethel College, he was informed that Bethel College was not contac- <br />ted regarding an easement for the PedestrIan Trail and they would object to <br />the trail around Valentine Lake. Clerk to check with Trustee Bjorndahl on <br />this matter. <br /> <br />Attorney Courtney Informed the Council he had received a letter from N.S.P. <br />regarding an easement for the trail, which included proposed quit claIm <br />deed to Arden HII Is In the form of a resolution. Attorney Courtney, after <br />checking the map, does not believe the Village desires the extended easement <br />which they offer; the vi Ilage acceptance of their offer would relieve them <br />from tax liability on this property. Matter tabled until report from <br />Trustee Bjorndahl. Attorney Courtney stated we should have written consent <br />from record owners of property, Including Ramsey County for trail through <br />Tony Schmidt Park, because of the Village's attempt to police the trail. <br /> <br />Council referred the matter to Attorney Courtney to confer with Trustee <br />Bjorndah I. <br /> <br />Proposed Drive-In Ordinance <br />.-t.ttorney Courtney submitted four copies of the proposed Drive-In Ordinance <br />~hich he had re-drafted. Trustee Hollenhorst moved that Council action <br />be withheld pending further study by the Planning Commission; seconded by <br />Trustee Crepeau; motion carried. <br /> <br />Clerk requested to send copies to Carl Dale and Larry Brodie. <br /> <br />REPORT OF BUILDING INSPECTOR CLAY KELLLY <br /> <br />1933 County Road 0 <br />Mr. Kelley reported that the LaFond Company Is cooperating In making repairs <br />and cleaning up the litter 01' the vacated house at 1933 County Road D. <br /> <br />3205 N~~th LQKlnat~Avcni! <br />Mr, Kelley Informod fho COUncil that tho dobrlg ;t thIs loe;tlon hI' b..n <br />burnod twIce, bllt some debris stIli remains. Ho stated that the property <br />has beGn advertised at a reasonable price so he feels that ~erhpps It will <br />have a resldsnt owner shortly. Clerk requestod to write again to the <br />preSQnt Qwnor asking thQm to compleTe the clean up work. <br /> <br />Violation of Ordinance <br />Mr. Kelley l'I;pcrted that a hC'l('" Ior,der CClrstruc""on C'n Oi!k A"el1uf> t>~!< beer <br />-4- <br />