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<br />Minutes of Council Meeting - February 27, 1967 - continued <br /> <br />Drive-In Theaters <br />Trustee Hollenhorst reported that the Planning Commission Is against <br />allowing Drive-Ins as a special use In Industrial areas under the pro- <br />posed zoning ordInance. He further stated that the Planning Commission <br />felt that a hard top theater In some commercial area of Arden Hills mlg~t <br />be encouraged. It was determined that no prior Councl I authorization was <br />necessary for the Planning CommissIon to pursue this matter. However, <br />the Planning CommIssion was requested to keep the Council Informed of <br />thl$ type of negotiation with Interested developers In Arden Hills. <br />Attorney Courtney lias requ.ested to report on laws re I at I ng to dr I ve- tnli!. <br />at the next meet I ng. 'j'''' <br /> <br />~:;.,,:,' <br /> <br />. MetroPol1 tan Plannl nQ Po Llc lesi', <br />,..Trustee Hollenhorstand .Chalrman Brodie repQ<rted. on Planning CommissIon <br />co,!cern regard I ng some Metropo I i tan Governm$.li,t.proposa I s to the Minnesota <br />Legislature as relate.d"to Metropolitan Planni'ng. .Adllllnlstratlve Clerk <br />Stromquist lias requested to obtain 12 copies...ot "Policies on Metropollt.llin <br />""I'ann'lng" ,,' <br />> ~r.. '. . .. P,'}~"..,,'- <br />,-', .... <br /> <br />... '" - -,':'. <br />". ..,,_ 'c. . <br />.' ." <br />Mayor Nethercut requastedthe Planning ComIllJ.~~lon to submit a draft.ot <br />a ,proposed letter to the Leg I s I ature on th 1$.;; matter to the Covnc II for <br />thel,.. approval. <br /> <br />REPORT OF TRUSTEE BJDRNDAHL <br /> <br />;>.,-'. <br /> <br />TreePlantlna <br />FollowIng a suggestion of Mrs. T. Lindbolll. the Parks <br />Committee plans 1'0 acquire 1000 pine and 100.0. spruce <br />State of Minnesota at no cost to the Vlllage~ These <br />the Charles Perry Park property for 2 or 3 y.ears and <br />on other sites. <br /> <br />and Playgrounds <br />seedlings from the <br />will be planted on <br />1'hen transplanted <br /> <br />,-", <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Floral BeautificatIon <br />Trustee BJorndahl stated tha1' a local Girl Scou1' troop 11111 plant and tend <br />flowers In the triangular strip of Vlllagep.roperty south of L1ndey's <br />Steak House. The Village 11111 prepare the llround for planting. <br /> <br />The Josephine Hills Garden Club plans 1'0 cOll1'lnue to maintain a floral <br />areebetween Ingerson R.oad and Ingerson Cour,t J n '967. <br /> <br />Pedestrian TraIl SIQns <br />Trustee BJorndeh I rep.orted 1'hat the St. PauLpap.ers wou' d II ke to do .a <br />feature ar1'lcle on Misrk Hansen's signs for ,t:lt~Pedes1'rlan Trail. <br /> <br />S'katlna Rinks <br />Tru;Stee BJorndahl reported that the Parks a I'll Playgrounds Committee has <br />,dlsq,ussed future skating rink plans and wouJ:d appreciate citizen commonts <br />on these plans: . . <br />I. County Road E Rink - This rink IS'lery successful and should con- <br />1'1 nue to be mal nta I ned by the V 111/ilge,. <br />2. Proposed County Road F Rink - Th J s..\'i!.qu Id be a des I rab I e I ocat lon' <br />for a rink similar to The one on Coun.ty Road E. with lighting <br />proposed, to be Illalntalned by VIII/ilge. <br />3. Proposed Johanna Jr. HIQh Rink - Proposed as e Joint Rosevlll.- <br />Arden KIIIS';'School DISTrict 621 Rink. Arden Hi lis to provide <br />warming house, ROs8vllle and School, District 621 to provide <br />maintenance of rink and supervision. . , <br />4. Lake Johanna Rink - Attendance and .dlfflcultles In maintaining <br />good skating Ice-make this It questJpnable site. The committee <br />proposes not to maintain this site, partlculaqy If proposals <br />2 end 3 materialize. Ramsey Oounty to be conTacted relative <br />to their maintaining this as a County Recreation ProJect. <br /> <br />Trustee BJorndahl reported that the rink on Lake Johanna Is closed for <br />the season. The rink on County Road E 11111 remain open until March 5. <br />Thereafter the rink on County Road E will be open for organizational use <br />as long as practical. Interested organizations to contact Clerk Strom- <br />quist or Trustee BJorndahl for use of facilities. Publicity on closing <br />of the rInks was requested by the Council. <br /> <br />-2- <br />