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<br />Minutes of Council Meeting - February 27, 1967 - continued <br /> <br />REPORT OF TRUSTEE OLMEN <br /> <br />At the Pubrlc Works Committee meeting of February 22, 1967, no major <br />changes In snow plowing routes were made. Within exIstIng routes, <br />"hilly areas" would precede flat areas. <br /> <br />Temporary signs have been placed in hIgh snow banks on Shorewood Drive <br />and~extra sand barrels have been placed on potentially slIppery hills. <br /> <br />Load 'Limit SIQns <br />Administrative Clerk Stromquist \'Ias requested to notify Ramsey County <br />to post VIllage later than March 15 and sooner If p1>sslble. <br /> <br />. REPORT OF MAYOR NETHERCUT <br /> <br />Mayor Nethercut noted that the Water Study COlllllllttee mInutes requested <br />publicity Indicating Village activity concerning water needS. Mayor <br />Nethercut suggested that Myrtle Schiller be contacted to provide <br />publl~lty on the status of the water study. <br /> <br />REPORT OF ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK STROMQUIST <br /> <br />Financial Statement <br />Clerk stromquist discussed the financial statement, commenting on the <br /> of St. Paul Sewer rental charges. Tr.ustee Crepeau moved approval <br />of ~he statement as submitted, approval of transfers of funds as listed <br />on the statement and authorization for publication o.f. th.a statement, <br />seconded by Trustee Olmen, carried. ~~- <br /> <br />Claims <br />. Trustee Crepeau moved approva I of c I a I ms asatt.ached, seconded by Trustee <br />Olman, carriad. <br /> <br />REPORT OF ATTORNEY COURTNEY <br /> <br />Lambros Drainage Project <br />Attorney Courtney reported on .ls letter of February 27, 1967 to the <br />Council relating to necessary easements, releases and Mr. Lambros' <br />financial participation In the project. <br /> <br />. Trustee Crepeau moved that Mayor Nethercut and Clerk Stromquist be <br />author I zed to execute the contract If I th Landscllp I ng Company. for <br />.theLambros drainage project. Mr. Lambros'. share of the contract Is to <br />be held In escrow In the Ganeral Fund of the Village, seconded by Trustee <br />Olmen, carried. <br /> <br />ReCOrding of easements obtained referred to Attorney Courtney. <br /> <br />Helman Propertv <br />Nece.ssary title opinions, etc. will be ready for Council meeting of <br />March 13, 1967. <br /> <br />Northern States Power <br />The next meeting of the fIISP Board will be i.nlate AprIl at which time <br />necessary documents for Pedestrl an tra I I prpper.ty easement will be <br />. acted upon. Attorney Cou rtney If III a! so have. the proposed Ord I nance <br />relating to the trail ready tor publlcatlon~ <br /> <br />State Hlghwav Frontage Roads Agreement <br />Attorney Courtney has reviewed the agreement, noted the extent of VIII~ge <br />responsibility for maintenance, approved thaagreement and submitted <br />the agreement to Clerk Stromquist for execution. <br /> <br />-3- <br />