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<br />,MLnutes of Council Meeting - January 30, 1967 _ continued <br /> <br />DOQ TralnlnQ Seminar <br />Trustee Crepeau Informed the Council that the group of Arden Hills <br />business men who financed the purchase of Nick, the Village police <br />dog, has sufficient balance to pay for Officer Sexton to attend a <br />two-day seminar in Kansas on dog training, which he will attend. <br />Trustee Crepeau mOV3d that the Clerk be authorized to send a letter <br />of appreciation to the Arden Hills Dog Fund People; seconded by <br />Trustee Bjorndahl; motion carried. <br /> <br />REPORT OF TRUSTEE BJORNDAHL <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />3205 North Lexington Avenue <br />Trustee Bjorndahl reported that this property still Is not In satls'" <br />factory condition. He stated that the garage door Is wide open which <br />leads to access to the house and the demolished shack at the rear of <br />the lot has been demolished, but the rub~le remains there In a pile. <br />BUilding Inspector Kelley was requested to check the property and <br />to Inform the Village Attorney of his findings to enable the Attorney <br />to pursue the matter. <br /> <br />Employment Applications <br />Trustee Bjorndahl moved the approval of employing the following men <br />as part time rink attendants at a rate of $2.00 per hour: William S. <br />Perry, 1420 West County Road E; James Henry, 4040 Old Highway 10, <br />Russell LaRue, 748 5th Avenue NW, effective for employment for James <br />Henry and Russell LaRue is 30 January, 1967 and for Wm. Perry effective <br />28 January, 1967; Seconded by Trustee Crepeau; motion carried. <br /> <br />REPORT OF MAYOR NETHERCUT <br /> <br />Ramsey County League of Municipalities <br />Mayor Nethercut reported that the Metro Govt. Study Report will be <br />voted on at the next League meeting; Clerk Lorraine Stromquist was <br />requested to have caples of this report made for the Council. Mayor <br />requested the Council to study this report and submit their comments <br />and be prepared to take action on It at the next Council meeting. <br />Clerk was requested to check with Mr. nD "II". I, for further infor- <br />mation. o,...t-on <br /> <br />REPORT OF ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK LORRAINE STROMQUIST <br /> <br />License Renewals <br />Trustee Crepeau moved approval to grant the following licenses to <br />Jacy Johnson, 8351 Groveland Road, Mlnneapol Is, for operation of a <br />cafe at 4760 Old Highway 8; cl~arettes, restaurant, soft drinks and <br />juke box; seconded by Trustee Hollenhorst; motion carrlad. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Response from Minnesota Highway Department <br />Clerk Lorraine Stromquist read a letter, dated January 19, 1967, from <br />D. R. McFadden, Deputl District Engineer, stating their position re- <br />garding maintenance of frcntage roads; also stated that they are In <br />agreement with the request from the Council that a guard rail should <br />be placed on the northeast corner of Haml ine Avenue and County Road <br />E and have tentatIvely scheduled this Installation for 1967. ThIs <br />same letter requested the Village to consider renaming that portion <br />of Hamline Avenue locatsd between County Road E and the Soo Line tracks; <br />their reason Is that due to the freeway, Hamllne Avenue is so segmented <br />that It Is confusing. <br /> <br />A second IQtter from the Highway Department also dated 19 January, 1967, <br />was summarized by Clerk LorraIne Stromquist. This letter acknowledged <br />the Village's requests for street lighting at hazardous intersections. <br />Copies of both of these letters were sent to members of the Council. <br /> <br />Clerk was requested to send caples of these letters to Mr. George <br />Sa Iltros. <br /> <br />Trustee Hollenhorst moved that the Public Works Committee consider <br />renaming the previously described portion of Hamllne Avenue; seconded <br />by Trustee Crepeau; motion carried. <br /> <br />Trustee Crepeau moved concurrance with the arrangements concerning street <br />lighting as outlined In the Minnesota Highway Dept. letter; seconded by <br />Trustee Bjorndahl; motion carried. Trustee Crepeau will submit further <br />inform~tif~H~ t"" 1~!13 r':!:-:;jC~C';>ci ;';;giiWdY DeparTment. <br /> <br />-6- <br />